TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 19: Firearms Hibernation Edition
Welcome to TFB Amazon Deals 19! The winter months provide some pretty unique challenges for gun owners when it comes to keeping them in pristine condition. Unless you have all of your guns religiously Cerakoated or slathered in cosmoline or gun oil, you’ll inevitably wind up exposing them to water, cold air, and just moisture in general. For the most part, moisture is bad for guns and doesn’t help keep them looking pretty so it’s important to store your guns in a secure and climate-controlled location if you plan on putting them up for the winter months as you break out your other shooting implements. Ammunition and reloading components are even more sensitive than firearms during all times of the year so if you’re looking to upgrade your gun storage area or reloading setup we’ve got a few deals this week that I think you’ll find interesting or helpful.
Gun Storage Pro Tip: I know that a lot of you might still be storing your firearms in their original padded foam cases. That’s cool, but to be 100% honest this is actually a quite poor decision to make due to the fact that the padded foam cases of nearly any type are really GREAT moisture magnets and the only thing worse than trying to store your guns in a padded foam case is probably trying to store them in the bottom of the ocean. Padded foam cases are for transport – not for storage.
TFB Weekly Amazon Deals 19: Firearms Hibernation Edition
I used to kind of scoff at pistol racks like this until I ended up with more handguns than my tiny safe could reliably hold. Apart from resorting to loosely stacking all of my pistols upside down and side by side on the gun safe shelf, this Lockdown Handgun rack seems like an efficient and quick solution to your inevitable future acquisitions or just making things look neater inside of your gun safe. The rack features a nice vinyl coating that protects the finish of your firearms as well as any optics you have mounted and the rack is currently on sale for $13.95.
I’m kind of a sucker for trying to maintain some of my more expensive rifles and pistols in near factory condition. If your gun safe is choc-full of too many rifles and shotguns to pack in neatly then a gun sock can be the perfect way to protect your anodizing, laminate stocks, and optics from getting unnecessary scratches. These WIOR gun socks will fit nearly any long gun you have in your collection and feature a silicone-treated sleeve and can fit a loaded AR-15 inside of them. These gun socks are currently on sale for $23.39 and feature 5 different color patterns and are advertised as being waterproof.
Storing guns, ammunition and other valuables in a garage or outdoor shop is a great way to save space in the house or your closet. However, outdoor solutions like this that aren’t climate controlled can often be an issue, especially in the winter. However, you can easily monitor the status of your gun storage solutions with the Hornady Digital Hygrometer which tracks both the temperature and humidity 24/7 and this will give you a good indication of if your dehumidifying solution is doing what it should be as it tracks both the minimum and maximum temperature and humidity over 24 hours. You can pick one of these up right now for just $19.99.
Many of you probably already own a Goldenrod dehumidifier but for those of you who don’t, this is probably one of the best powered options you have available for your gun safe. The Goldenrod comes in several different sizes to accommodate gun safes of different sizes and works by increasing the temperature inside of the gun safe slightly to prevent moisture from building up. The Goldenrod is a great product with a great reputation and is made right here in the USA. You can pick up a Lockdown Goldenrod dehumidifier for just $31.97 (a bit over $10 off) for the 18″ version.
The last item on this list will follow a pattern I’ve been going through with each of these Amazon Deals posts. This one isn’t on sale but it’s one that I have personally used and found to be quite a superior product and one that isn’t ultra fancy or flashy. Eezox is one of the best gun preservers out there and you don’t need a lot of it to “winterize” your firearms. Eezox is safe to use on all types of polymers, steels, nickel-plated, and blued firearms without damaging your finishes and wiping down the sensitive components. Eezox goes on wet and dries leaving an invisible layer of protectant that prevents both fingerprints and all types of oils and moisture from collecting on your gun. You can pick up everything from a 1.5 oz mini bottle (a great Christmas gift or stocking stuffer for your gun buddies) all the way up to an entire 1-gallon can of the stuff. It’s well worth the cost!
Eezox Premium Synthetic Gun Care
Thanks for stopping by to check out this week’s Amazon deals. If you’ve found any sweet gun preservation products for sale or just in general please feel free to let us know down below what they are and what your experiences are with them. If you have any other firearm winterizing tips and tricks feel free to start a discussion below. Happy early holidays everybody!
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Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram:
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EEZOX is good stuff - my late wife bought me some shortly before she passed
Way back in the early 1960's when I was a kid, an old family friend who was a gun collector and hunter gave me some advice on the long-term storage of firearms. He thoroughly cleaned them and gave them a thin coating of oil inside and out. He then wrapped them in several layers of newspaper (remember them?) and stored them loosely in dry areas of his house (closets, under beds). This was before climate-controlled gun safes. He said that the newspaper acted as an absorbent in normal household environments and allowed the guns to 'breathe'. The several layers of wrapping also acted as a cushion when storing them on top of each other. Old school and low-tech, but it works.