Can The ATN ThOR 4 Get You Out To Long Ranges?

Tom R
by Tom R

I’ll admit, prior to this review my opinion of ATN was a bit mixed. Around 5 years ago, we had access to an early version of one of their thermal scopes, and it was not ready for primetime. Luckily my opinion has changed after getting some time with the ATN ThOR 4 at a recent TFB event in Texas…

TLDR: Writer gets to play with ATN ThOR with preconceived low expectations, doesn’t know how to use it properly, and can still ring steel at 600 yards in darkness.

Note this is more editorial/opinion and less review given the short hands-on window.


The ATN ThOR 4 is basically an evolution of the ThOR HD line. It keeps some of the features and adds some new things. I specifically had hands on the “TIWST4644A” model:

  • Sensor: 640×480 @ 60Hz
  • Magnification: 4-40x
  • Core: ATN Obsidian IV Dual Core T
  • Micro Display: 1280×720 HD Display
  • Eye relief: 90 mm
  • Video Record Resolution: 1280×960 @ 60 fps
  • Micro SD: Up to 64gb
  • MSRP: $4,799

All models have several standard features: Ballistic Calculator, Wi-Fi connectivity to iOS and Android, Bluetooth, Smart Range Finder, Barometer, changeable reticles, and Recoil Activated Video.

All of the ThOR 4 line uses 30mm rings for mounting.

The listed ranges for this specific model (for scoping humans) are:

  • Detection: 3,300 yards
  • Recognition: 1,450 yards
  • Identification: 800 yards

Several variants change things like magnification, the field of view, and detection ranges. It would be silly to reproduce the entire comparison chart here., but If you are interested:


We decided to stretch this scope out and see what it could do—running a completely unrealistic test. Meaning distance shooting, with a precision platform, outside of ranges that this scope would generally be used in.

The first order of business was zeroing. It is a little different on this beast since it doesn’t use traditional mechanical lens adjusters. Basically, you take your shot, then open the menu and move the reticle from the point of aim to the point of impact. Shockingly easy. After zeroing, we just had to wait for nightfall.

We mounted the RISE Armament 1121XR (in 6.5 Creedmoor) to a Hog Saddle for stability. From there it was a piece of cake. Nick Chen brought some thermal stickers which allowed for easy targeting.

We had targets set up out to 300 yards (with targets at 100 and 200), which were heated with a 500,000 BTU propane burner. (actually, the range has targets out to a mile-and-a-half, but let’s not get ridiculous). These were easy to hit and there is not much to say here.

Heating up the targets so we could see them on thermal. The targets stayed hot enough to see for a couple hours. We heated them until they glowed black on the inverted color scheme.

It was then suggested that we try to shoot for 600 yards, because why not? So the target monkeys went out with the burner to heat the steel at the 600-yard berm. With 6.5 Creedmoor, 600 barely needs any elevation change.

You’ll appreciate a little bit of silliness we had – we did not have a precision thermal spotting scope, so there was literally no way for anyone to call corrections. But there were still communication calls between me (as the shooter) and some notional spotter (we did have some minor ability via the display sharing from the scope to an iPhone). I was mainly trying to alert the group that I was about to take a shot since some of the other writers were doing other things up on the tower.

One of the issues that I didn’t realize, and this is entirely my fault for not getting more familiar with the ThOR, is that you can adjust the sharpness of the resolution (much like the focus on a scope). My earlier shots were at things that resembled eggs and blobs. Once that handy feature was pointed out, I could clearly see the shapes of targets.

I think we probably could have pushed to 800 yards, but as you can see from the video, the splash of a miss was getting challenging to see, and even at the sharpest view, the 18-inch square target was rounding at the edges.

I also did not realize that one of the reticles DID have hash marks. Which would have made follow-up shots much more straightforward. As it was, I was eyeballing the difference, which was less than optimal.

The battery life was such that we used it for 4-5 hours (throughout the day) with no issues. It seemed to take a while to charge, but I also had it jacked into a USB port on my computer. With an appropriate wall wart, it should charge at a reasonable speed. Supposedly it can go for around 16 (or more) hours on a full charge.

The screen is super bright, and there is a rubber eyecup to help seal the eye you are scoping with. Unfortunately, it was bright enough that natural ocular night vision was wrecked when coming off the scope.

The controls are pretty simple; there are four directional buttons and an “OK” button. Some of these have built-in quick functions when you are scoping. When in the menu, they are used to navigate and manage settings. The most useful was the “record” on the right button.

Simple controls that you can manage without having to look at.

We obviously used the onboard video capture (seen as that above video), which is excellent. We also simultaneously streamed the screen to an iPhone, allowing for pseudo-spotting (it only sees what the shooter sees, so you don’t get any extra field of view—but it comes in handy as a second set of eyes). In the previous generation, you had to pick one or the other. With the ThOR 4, you can do both at the same time.

ATN bases the ranges on “pixels per meter”—the more dense, the better the clarity. We did not have an area to test the full range to 3,300 yards but could see either an aardvark or porcupine at around 800 yards. It was hard to be specific, but it was low-slung and waddled. I’m pretty confident you could pick out a human a little over 1,000 yards, especially if they were moving. I’m not sure what they mean by “Identification,” though. I could probably differentiate between Nick and James (if Nick was wearing his tactical rice paddy hat, and James was wearing short-shorts). The “why” you’d be scoping people leads to a whole set of other questions.


The ATN ThOR 4 was exceptionally fun to use. In addition, it performed really well—certainly beyond my expectations and orders of magnitude better than my first experience with them.

You can set and tweak a million options, and it would be a good idea to spend time with the scope and the manual getting to know it. During the session I had with it, while I couldn’t maximize the use of the features, I was certainly able to hit a 3MOA steel plate out to 600 yards and IPSC silhouettes 300 yards and in. And I think that is a testament to the usability of the ThOR—mount it up on your gun, zero it, and start blasting. Of course, I would have wasted less ammo had I taken some time with the scope and its manual, but I’m delighted with the experience. And especially with the low bar of getting started (except for the price, of course).

In my opinion, this thermal optic would work great for hunting appropriate game inside of 300 yards. I was able to clearly ID targets, and further scoping of animals (rabbits, aardvarks, etc.) the next night reinforced that you can get a pretty good idea of what you are shooting at. You would not likely be able to discriminate between a dog and coyote or your friend Bob and a belligerent (unless they had some identifiable features), but for hogs and rabbits, there is no question. You can see animals out to pretty decent distances, more with the higher magnification models.

Obviously, thermal scopes are not cheap, and the ATN ThOR 4 comes with a range of prices based on sensor resolution and magnification range. The maxed-out model I played with comes with a $4,799 price tag.

Check Prices on ATN ThOR 4 Thermal Scopes

If you are into thermal (and/or night shooting), the ThOR 4 comes with a ton of features, a battery life that will outlast the night (unless you are winter hunting in the arctic circle), and resolution to be able to ID game animals inside of ethical kill ranges.

If you have used the ThOR 4, let us know in the comments! I’d love to hear how it has worked for harvesting game.

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Tom R
Tom R

Tom is a former Navy Corpsman that spent some time bumbling around the deserts of Iraq with a Marine Recon unit, kicking in tent flaps and harassing sheep. Prior to that he was a paramedic somewhere in DFW, also doing some Executive Protection work between shifts. Now that those exciting days are behind him, he teaches wilderness medicine and runs an on-demand medical staffing business. He hopes that his posts will help you find solid gear that will survive whatever you can throw at it--he is known (in certain circles) for his curse...ahem, find the breaking point of anything.You can reach him at tom.r AT or at

More by Tom R

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6 of 9 comments
  • Clifffalling Clifffalling on Oct 30, 2021

    They have aardvarks in Texas???? Do you mean armadillos?

    • Doc Rader Doc Rader on Nov 12, 2021

      @Clifffalling I was wondering if anyone was going to pick that up… ;)

  • Fahad Alam Fahad Alam on Oct 30, 2021

    What does the actual military use for long-distance night shooting? I'm assuming it's some kind of thermal sight. I've heard that civilian thermal sights can't be higher than a certain resolution but I've never been able to verify that.

    • See 2 previous
    • Joe Mark Joe Mark on Nov 23, 2021

      @Fahad Alam L3, the guys that make EOTech stuff. have military thermal add on optics that mount at the end of your standard scope for thermal, they also have stand alone setups with zoom built in. look up L3Harris Light Weight Thermal Weapon Sight or LWTS, and AN/PAS-13 systems.
