TFB Podcast Roundup 14: Prepare For Fall Hunting Edition
Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 14. As we ease into the fall hunting season I wanted to give you guys a solid lineup of hunting podcasts that will either get you in the mindset for this season or perhaps help you guys out as you prepare yourselves and your family for the sport. Hunting is a core part of American culture and in many ways is a lost art that younger generations are missing out on. This week I’ve put together a variety of podcasts from a few different creators that should get you thinking about your favorite hunting sport and or the best way to introduce your friends and loved ones into the fascinating and complex world of hunting.
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TFB Podcast Roundup 14: Prepare For Fall Hunting Edition
Length: 45 Minutes
Subjects: Tips for beginner hunters who don’t quite know how to get started in hunting sports
The TFB B-Side podcast is our less industry-focused podcast where myself, the TFB crew and some special guests talk about everything and anything related to guns. I recently had on my good friend and fellow writer Adam S to talk about one of his favorite pass times – hunting. Adam is a very experienced hunter and is probably one of the most accomplished and experienced hunters I know personally. Adam’s 5 tips are great for those looking to introduce themselves to hunting and have no idea where to start.
Length: 86 Minutes
Subjects: Andy May gives us tips for in and out of state and goes over his own hunting origin story.
Kill more bucks in less time! Sound too good to be true? Some people are experts at deer management, Andy May is an expert at time management – when it comes to constantly taking quality bucks on quick hunts – in and out of state. He takes us through his hunting origin story and shares his hard-earned process for putting quality bucks on the ground all season long.
This podcast is part of an entire series from the Vortex Nation podcast on their official Vortex Whitetail Week.
You can listen to the Vortex Nation podcast on Google Podcasts or for a more immersive experience listen to it on YouTube.
Length: 115 Minutes
Subjects: All things whitetail hunting including stories, tips, practices, and news about the future of the Wired to Hunt podcast
What You’ll Learn In This Episode:
– The story of how I started and built Wired To Hunt
– BIG news about the future of Wired To Hunt
– An interesting look at the natural history of whitetails
– A rallying cry for underdog species
– The story of Steve and Janis’ first deer and other related stories
– Eating your first deer
– The most impactful experiences in our early hunting careers
– Rinella and Putelis’ take on Baiting VS Food plots
– Public land hunting VS private land hunting
– Hunting the West VS hunting the East
– Is naming deer weird?
– A dream whitetail hunt?
– Getting garholed
-And much, much more!
Length: 42 Minutes
Subjects: Gun Talk has on Joel Hodgdon from Remington Ammunition to talk about his recent experiences and observations from hunting with the popular Core-Lokt Tipped ammunition
Remington Ammunition’s Joel Hodgdon talks Core-Lokt Tipped, an antelope field report, and more with Gun Talk’s Kevin “KJ” Jarnagin. This Gun Talk Hunt is brought to you by Tetra Hearing, Benelli, Brownells, Silencer Central, Remington Ammunition, Springfield Armory, Timney Triggers, Lockdown, Smith & Wesson, and Hodgdon Powder.
Length: 74 Minutes
Subjects: How to properly age deer before and after the shot to avoid costly mistakes and round out your knowledge base as a hunter
Big antlers, old deer, right? Maybe. A lot goes into accurately aging deer on the hoof and after a successful harvest. Mark and Jim track down (pun intended) the National Deer Association for a biology lessen for the ages. From body characteristics to tooth wear and cementum annuli (the heck is that?), you’ll be a deer aging expert when you’re done.
This one could be especially helpful or relevant to you if you’re a die-hard conservationist who is vested in keeping the deer population at its peak for future generations.
As Always, More POdcasts next week
Thanks for stopping by to listen to this week’s hunting-themed podcast roundup. If you’ve recently heard any great podcasts surrounding hunting, then feel free to let us know down in the comments. Thanks as always for reading TFB.
Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram:
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