TFB B-Side Podcast: What It’s Like Being a Gun Guy In California

    TFB B-Side Podcast: What It's Like Being a Gun Guy In California

    Today on the TFB B-Side podcast we answer some of the most important questions about what it’s like to be a gun guy in California. Can you find magazines with more than 10-rounds of capacity? Can you really not use a regular magazine release on your AR-15? Do people in California even like guns? Do the people that work in Hollywood actually like guns? One of our resident Californian experts and ex-pats of the state TFB Writer Nic L answers all this and more on today’s episode of the TFB B-Side podcast.

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    TFB Writer Nic L

    TFB B-Side Podcast: What It’s Like Being a Gun Guy In California

    Today on the TFB B-Side podcast I’ve brought on one of our newer writers to the TFB Team. Nic L is a born and raised Californian who recently made his exodus from the state and is now residing in Colorado. I asked Nic a series of questions about his time in California and many of them are ones that I’ve had for quite a long time. Today on the podcast we’ll learn all about what challenges gun guys and girls face within the State of California as well as what Nic thinks can be done to help move the dial back in the other direction when it comes to guns in the Golden State.

    If you’d like to follow Nic on Instagram, you can follow him with the handle @the_brutal_rooster

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    TFB Behind The Gun Podcast Episode #30: Ryan Sikorski from Trijicon

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