Memorial Day DEALS on Guns and Gear Today Through 5/31
Before we dispense with the traditional Memorial Day Deals posting I’d like to take a moment here to talk a little bit about Memorial Day. This will be a quick reminder of what this federal holiday is all about. Memorial Day-like observances have been going on as far back as the American Civil War era. Both Confederate and Union soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice were honored by their fellow countrymen. While the original Decoration Day was a purely Union memorial tradition for its fallen service members, various Union memorial traditions were eventually merged together and Memorial Day was expanded to honor all Americans who died while serving within United States Military Service.
Memorial Day has grown from being many small ceremonies to a nationwide holiday in 1971 and is often a herald of the transition from spring to summer months. Memorial Day is a day of both grief, and celebration, considering the honor of our service members and reflecting on their loss. While the nation seems extremely divided at times, I think we can take heart that Americans have always come together to mutually honor our fallen and I believe Retired General Colin Powel put it best:
Here at the Capitol, just weeks before the end of the Civil War, a weary President Lincoln pleaded with his fellow citizens, to ’bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan.”
-Gen. Colin Powell, USA (Ret.) 2007 Memorial Day Concert May 27th, 2007 (excerpt from video below)
So during this Memorial Day weekend, remember to reach out in support of all the soldiers and their families who have sacrificed so much for us. Looking past the tears, sorrow, and folded flags, we can see through the core of American idealism – a small group of people sacrificing their lives for true liberty, and in my opinion, liberty is something to be celebrated.
Be sure to check this page over the weekend as new deals we find will be posted towards the top of this article.
Memorial Day DEALS on Guns and Gear Today Through 5/31
Since Memorial Day is somewhat of a marker of the beginning of summer, I’m always happy to start going through my litany of unfinished gun projects to start finishing out some of them. I probably had at least half a dozen lowers sitting around at one point that I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do with and I think some of these Memorial Day deals might help me finish out some of these builds.
Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram:
More by Luke C.
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The only "Memorial Day" Natchez is celebrating with that Blazer 9mm ad is the day their bank account balance went up.
Is it me, or are the “deals” non existent.