KAR-21 Rifle Teased by Finnish Ensio FireArms

Luke C.
by Luke C.
KAR-21 Rifle Teased by Finnish Rifle Manufacturer Ensio FireArms

Ensio FireArms is a Finnish firearms manufacturer operated by two guys – Riku Hannukainen and Toni Käräjämies. The goal of Ensio FireArms is to design and develop the most accurate rifles available to the market using a combination of hand-craftsmanship and new ideas and technology. The Ensio FireArms YouTube channel just dropped a teaser video announcing the introduction of their newest rifle – the KAR-21.

More from Finland on TFB:

KAR-21 Rifle Teased by Finnish Ensio FireArms

Other than the release date and the name of the rifle nothing else is currently known about it. However, based on some careful examination of the teaser video, I think we can make a few assumptions about the new rifle. The first assumption being that it will be chambered in an intermediate rifle caliber like 5.56×45 or 5.45×39. The Finnish military recently partnered up with Sweden to begin procurement of a new service rifle and perhaps this is the impetus for the release of the KAR-21. The Finnish Defense Forces currently use a mix of Austrian, Belgian, Finnish, Russian, and American small arms to equip their soldiers. The current standard issue assault rifle for the Finnish Defence Forces is currently the RK 62 chambered in 7.62x39mm.

KAR-21 Rifle Teased by Finnish Rifle Manufacturer Ensio FireArms

Another thing I was able to see is that the rifle seems to make use of an adjustable gas block similar to the one that you can find on an Arsenal AK-20 rifle. The rifle also features a left-handed forward-mounted charging handle but it is unknown if this will be a reciprocating or non-reciprocating charging handle. One final interesting note is that the rifle in the teaser video featured a completely bare-threaded muzzle. This could probably mean that their chosen muzzle device has either not been selected or is still under development at the time of writing. Either way, it’s interesting to see that there are new rifles being made across the globe as well as domestically. Your thoughts and comments on the KAR-21 are welcome below.

Hat tip to Matti P.

Luke C.
Luke C.

Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ballisticaviation/

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2 of 27 comments
  • Guest Guest on May 26, 2021

    Can't stand the Israeli for everything they sneakily rip off and steal from America's intellectual properties portfolios. That said, think the IWI Carmel looks better than this.

  • Spolerikois Spolerikois on Jun 04, 2021

    We got the chance to test out the rifle prior to the launch today, check it out here https://www.youtube.com/wat...

    We've also written a first glance article about it but it's only in Finnish. You can find it here: https://spolerikois.com/202...
