Primary Arms Now Offering Concealed Carry Handbags

Luke C.
by Luke C.

While I am not a huge fan of off-body carry, I do understand how there can be certain circumstances where you can’t or wouldn’t want to carry a firearm on your person. For that purpose, off-body carry options have a place at the table when it comes to concealment options. Primary Arms are now offering a few different styles of concealed carry handbags for off-body carry.

Primary Arms Now Offering Concealed Carry Handbags

Primary Arms Now Offering Concealed Carry Handbags

HOUSTON, TEXAS – Primary Arms Online now carries an assortment of concealed carry handbags and purses from popular brands, Gun Tote’n Mamas and Cameleon Bags.

Designed to match any occasion, these handbags and purses are specially made for safe and comfortable carry of a concealed pistol. For women looking to protect themselves without the bulk of a waistband holster, these bags offer an effective alternative that fits into their existing lifestyle.

Now, Primary Arms carries both Cameleon Bags and Gun Tote’n Mamas, two of the most popular names in concealed carry handbags. Available in a wide variety of styles, sizes, and colorations, these handbags and purses can match any fashion, making it easy to find the perfect bag for your wardrobe.

“At Primary Arms, we strive to be our customer’s one-stop shop for all things concealed carry, so being able to offer our customer a fashionable way to carry is a big part of that commitment,” says Beth Singletary, Primary Arms Merchandising Soft Line Manager. “We are excited to expand our assortments to include concealed carry handbags from two amazing companies: Gun Tote’n Mamas and Cameleon Bags. Both companies offer high quality, trendsetting bags at amazing prices that we know our customers will love.”

For other news and announcements, follow Primary Arms Online on social media, including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Primary Arms Now Offering Concealed Carry Handbags

One of the major benefits of off-body carry is that you’re given the ability to conceal just about any handgun you want. The size of these handbags means you could probably carry everything from a Ruger LCP all the way up to a full-sized 1911 if you felt the need to. Another benefit of this style of off-body carry is that you no longer need to worry about printing meaning clothing options are no longer a concern when carrying concealed – however you do still run the risk of leaving your firearm away from you anytime you don’t have the bag directly in your control.

Primary Arms Now Offering Concealed Carry Handbags
Luke C.
Luke C.

Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram:

More by Luke C.

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  • Dong Blak Dong Blak on Apr 21, 2021

    Even mimes are packing heat.

  • Guest Guest on Apr 23, 2021

    Chick I am spending some time with, keeps asking for one. Not sure which manufacture makes the best liked purse-holster?
