Goodbye Dear Friend – Ronaldo Olive Passes Away

    Goodbye Dear Friend - Ronaldo Olive Passes Away

    Goodbye Dear Friend - Ronaldo Olive Passes Away

    It is with a heavy heart that we announce the loss of TFB staff member Ronaldo Olive after a lengthy battle with cancer. He was born on September 27, 1942 and passed away on March 31, 2021. Ronaldo joined TFB in 2016 and published his first post “UAE’s Caracal wants to make guns in Brazil” on November 29. With decades of experience as an instructor and journalist covering military, law enforcement and civilian firearms development, Ronaldo held a wealth of institutional knowledge. His focus on Brazilian and other South American firearm news and developments gave TFB readers a unique look at the industry that could not be found anywhere else.

    Thank you, Ronaldo. You will be missed.

    Goodbye Dear Friend – Ronaldo Olive Passes Away

    TFB’s Matt M.:

    I read his articles long before I joined TFB and always enjoyed his insights into small arms manufacturer and use in South America. Seemed like a true gent during my few interactions with him. A sad loss.

    TFB’s Hrachya H.:

    I always enjoyed reading Ronaldo’s articles as every time I learned about something new and interesting. We lost an experienced and knowledgeable member of the global firearms community. My sincere condolences to Ronaldo’s family. May he rest in peace.

    TFB’s Rusty S.:

    Ronaldo was kind, intelligent, and a walking wealth of information. One of the best gun writers of all time, and someone to look up to. He will be missed. Rest In Peace, Ronaldo.

    Falecimento do jornalista especializado Ronaldo Olive –

    Tomatoes conhecimento somente hoje, dia 02/03, do falecimento do pesquisador e fotojornalista especializado em assuntos militares e de defesa, o Sr. Ronaldo Olive, que de acordo com relatos de colegas, lutava contra um câncer já a algum tempo.

    Ronaldo Olive era escritor de longa data, começando na carreira na década de 1960, escrevendo sobre  aviação, forças armadas,  lei e armas, com artigos publicados em diversos periódicos locais e internacionais (Reino Unido, Suíça e EUA). Sua vasta experiência o tornou um palestrante convidado frequente e instrutor nas forças armadas e policiais do Brasil.

    Machine translation:

    “We only became aware today, March 2, of the death of the researcher and photojournalist specialized in military and defense issues, Mr. Ronaldo Olive, who, according to reports from colleagues, had been fighting cancer for some time.

    Ronaldo Olive was a longtime writer, starting his career in the 1960s, writing about aviation, armed forces, law and weapons, with articles published in several local and international journals (United Kingdom, Switzerland and USA). His vast experience has made him a frequent guest speaker and instructor in the armed forces and police of Brazil.”

    Notícia que não queríamos dar, nunca… Technologia & Defensa 

    Amigos e leitores.

    Às vezes, gostaríamos que todo o folclore que envolve a data de hoje, 01 de abril, o chamado Dia da Mentira, pudesse ser aplicado a toda e qualquer situação. Infelizmente não é assim e nos vemos atônitos e paralisados, até, diante de acontecimentos sobre os quais não temos qualquer controle ou interferência.

    Esta, realmente, é uma daquelas notícias que a gente espera jamais receber, pois a quantidade de tristeza que enche nossas almas é imensurável. Cada um de nós aqui de T&D perdeu hoje um pedaço de si mesmo, um amigo, companheiro de muitas lutas e um irmão, além de um mestre que nos ensinou grande parte do que sabemos.

    Depois de uma luta contra o câncer, brava e corajosa,  como só podia ser do seu estilo, o nosso “Kid”, Ronaldo Olive nos deixou. Ele que sempre nos manteve em “alto astral” com suas tiradas únicas e inteligentes, ainda que fosse um momento complicado aquele que estivéssemos passando tinha este dom, este desígnio. Uma criatura do bem, de Deus.

    Para nós fica uma ausência inconsolável. Nossos sentimentos mais doloridos e  sinceros à família. No céu, quando ele lá chegar, certamente os bons espíritos que o aguardam bradarão “ Adsumus”.

    Machine Translation:

    “Friends and readers.

    Sometimes, we wish that all the folklore that surrounds today’s date, April 1st, the so-called April Fool’s Day, could be applied to any and all situations. Unfortunately, this is not the case and we find ourselves astonished and paralyzed, even in the face of events over which we have no control or interference.

    This, really, is one of those news that we hope to never receive, because the amount of sadness that fills our souls is immeasurable. Each of us here in T&D today lost a piece of himself, a friend, a companion in many struggles and a brother, as well as a master who taught us much of what we know.

    After a fight against cancer, brave and courageous, as could only be his style, our “Kid”, Ronaldo Olive left us. He who always kept us in “high spirits” with his unique and intelligent tirades, even though it was a complicated moment that we were going through had this gift, this design. A creature of good, of God.

    For us there is an inconsolable absence. Our most painful and sincere feelings to the family. In heaven, when he gets there, surely the good spirits that await him will shout “Adsumus”.”




    Editor In Chief- TFB
    LE – Silencers – Science
