Concealed Carry Corner: Breaking Down My Top 3 Carry Loadouts

Matt E
by Matt E

Every week, I talk about various topics and ways to improve your skills and be a benefit to society every day. One thing I haven’t done is take an in-depth look at my daily carry items and explain why I chose them over other choices. I’ve spent years going through different guns and gear figuring out what works best for me, so hopefully, it will give some of you a different perspective and motivate you to look at your own carry loadouts. I carry a few different firearms throughout the year but decided to focus on my top 3 carry loadouts I use the most often. Let’s take a look at my most common concealed carry setups.

1. SIG Sauer P226 Elite Loadout

Now I will be the first to admit this choice makes me a bit of a dinosaur. Carrying an all-metal handgun that weighs 34 oz unloaded seems odd, but after shooting DA/SA guns for years, I have fallen in love with the overall feel and don’t mind the transition between the two actions. Having the bit extra weight helps balance recoil impulses and the 226 platform has been extremely accurate in my experiences with it.

Now if I’m honest, this gun has been changed over time and upgraded slowly to fit my preferences on it. Most of the original springs and internal parts have either been changed out with regular maintenance or upgraded over the years. I have put roughly 15-16K rounds through this gun and it’s held up fantastic over the years. I can honestly say I 100% trust my life to this handgun and have grown very fond of its reliability and overall ease of use. Below I will go through my personal P226 and all of its upgrades along with what I typically carry with it.


Gun Model – SIG Sauer P226 Enhanced Elite

Grips – Prototype Emperor Hogue Grips ( Similar to the G10 Piranha grips)

TriggerGray Guns Dual Adjustable Straight Trigger

Guide Rod – Gray Guns Custom Fat Super Guide Rod

Sights – SIG’s SIGLITE night sights

Weapon Light – SureFire X300U-A

Holster – ANR Design IWB Claw Holster

Knife – Hogue Knives OTF Exploit

Flashlight – SureFire G2X MV Light

Carry Belt – Blue Alpha Gear EDC Hybrid Belt

This set up will typically be what I carry roughly 70% of the time because it’s really comfortable for my body and I can comfortably carry everything without feeling weighed down. My handheld flashlight may not be your first choice but it’s an affordable no thrills light that has been abused but continues to work regardless. The major downside to my P226 is how heavy it becomes on a humid 90 degree day. The gun can feel heavy and start to rub a little after a long hot day but over time it gets easier once your body adjusts.

2. Jagerwerks Glock 19 Gen4

I will start off by clarifying that I will oftentimes carry my tan Glock 19 or standard black Gen4 Glock 19 as well depending on what I’m doing on the given day. Some times it’s nice to go back to basics with a Glock and carry a standard setup but for the most part, I will carry my upgraded gun the majority of the time. I typically carry my Glock 19 when I go on long trips and want something a bit lighter than my P226 but still have something extremely capable. The Glock I carry daily has a fair bit of use and is starting to show some wear but it’s one of my personal favorites to carry because I have made it mine over the years. Glocks are insanely customizable and I love them for that.


Gun – Glock 19 Gen4 Black/FDE factory coloring

Slide – Jagerwerks F9 Slide with a Trijicon RMR Cut

Ammo – Federal HST 124gr

Trigger – Dues EX Machine Gunfighter Trigger (Discontinued)

Barrel – Agency Arms Premier Match Grade Drop-In Threaded Barrel

Magwell – Agency Arms Magwell

Optic – Trijicon RMR FDE Type 1 Adjustable 3.25 MOA

Iron Sights – Trijicon Bright & Tough Suppressor Height Sights

Light – SureFire X300U-A

Knife – Benchmade 810 Contego

Flashlight – SureFire G2X MV

Holster – ANR IWB Claw Holster

3. Glock 43 / SIG P365

My last favorite is tied for small-sized carry guns between the Glock 43 and SIG P365. These two will often either be carried as a BUG gun or will be on me if I need to run to the store quick and don’t want to have everything on me. Both are great size handguns with plenty of punch with the Federal HST Micro rounds loaded up inside them. I keep both almost nearly stock with a baseplate extension on the Glock 43. These are both no-frills guns that offer a good amount of options while being extremely compact.


Gun – Glock 43 / SIG P365

Holster – GCode Phenom StealthIWB Holster / ANR IWB Claw Holster

Ammo – Federal HST 150gr Micro

Overall Thoughts

Everyone is different and it’s great to look at what everyone chooses to use when they conceal a firearm in public. These are a couple of my personal favorite setups and I would love to hear what you carry in the comments below. Some of you may disagree with my choices and that’s totally fine but these have really become my favorite carry pieces to use on a daily basis for their shootablity and ease of use. If you have questions, feel free to shoot me a message on my Instagram @fridgeoperator. Stay safe out there!

TFB’s Concealed Carry Corner is brought to you by GLOCK

Matt E
Matt E

I'm an avid shooter and love educating whether it's at my job or in the shooting community. I'm an average joe that really loves talking with other people about firearms and other passions.I'm active on Instagram on @fridgeoperator.

More by Matt E

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3 of 40 comments
  • Mazkact Mazkact on Aug 01, 2020

    Boomer here. Always a S&W Centennial J Frame and sometimes a CZ 75 goes along for the ride.

    • Kivaari Kivaari on Aug 01, 2020

      @mazkact I always carry a Centennial. In the winter I also carry a Glock 48.

  • Kivaari Kivaari on Aug 01, 2020

    Pick one gun and stick with it. Fear the man with one gun, as he knows how to use it. Make it a size and weight that will have you packing it instead of leaving it at home.
