Homemade Ruger PC Carbine Stock With Influence From WW2

Doug E
by Doug E
homemade rifle stock

The Ruger PC Carbine garnered plenty of aftermarket support, almost as soon as it was released, but tinkerers have been having their fun with it too. Some of our TFB readers surely remember one such homemade Ruger PC Carbine project that involved using a surplus PPSh stock, but our friend Axel reached into more German and American roots when he began his homemade Ruger Carbine build. We have featured another work of Axel’s doing, his sci-fi, double Marlin 60 rifle (make sure you check that out if you haven’t seen it yet). Let’s see his take on the Ruger PC Carbine.

homemade Ruger PC Carbine stock

Axel started his homemade Ruger PC Carbine build with a wooden receiver, which he said is easiest for him. I’d seen the finished photos first and was surprised to see it was wood rather than 3D printing since the receiver looked so smooth. Some of you may have noticed the grip shape is similar to that of a German MG42/MG3, which Axel said is his preferred grip contour.

aftermarket Ruger PC Carbine stock

The first iteration of Axel’s design incorporated the use of a G3/Cetme wooden handguard, but he wasn’t sure about the rounded contrast to the squared off homemade receiver. Axel had hoped to try something along the lines of a Thompson submachine gun forearm. Low and behold, one of Axel’s friends happened to have an unfinished wooden M1 Thompson forearm which seemed to complete the look far better. The photo above is with the rounded G3 handguard and the rest of the photos are with the Thompson handguard. Which one do you think looks better? Axel used an Ace folding stock for an AKM, which he said he fabricated a homemade hinge that can swing to either side of the gun.

homemade Ruger stock

What do you think about Axel’s homemade Ruger PC Carbine stock? Thanks to Axel for sharing his project with us! To learn more about the stock versions of the Ruger PC Carbine, you can check out Ruger’s page HERE. Do you have any DIY gun projects in the works? If so, feel free to shoot us an email if you would like to share it with TFB.

Doug E
Doug E

Doug has been a firearms enthusiast since age 16 after getting to shoot with a friend. Since then he's taken many others out to the range for their first time. He is a husband, father, grandfather, police officer, outdoorsman, artist and a student of history. Doug has been a TFB reader from the start and is happy to be a contributor of content. Doug can be reached at battleshipgrey61 AT gmail.com, or battleshipgrey61 on Instagram.

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