Falkor Defense Petra 300 Winchester Magnum Rifle

Joel W
by Joel W

Today we review the Falkor Defense Petra rifle in 300 Winchester Magnum. It’s a big gun, with fairly light recoil. Watch this complete review and learn why Joel thinks this is the softest shooting magnum he’s ever fired. It’s really an impressive weapon system.


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#TFBTV #Falkordefense #longrange

Joel W
Joel W

Ex Law Enforcement. Security consultant. Owner of the Precision Rifle Network. Long range shooter and competitor. Husband. Father.

More by Joel W

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3 of 9 comments
  • Salty Salty on Apr 18, 2020

    So a billet Ar -15lower can be had for tween $80-300? So they pressed “scale up by 180% or whatever and added $5300 to the price tag????? 😳 Ok, I’ll take 3 where do I sign? 🤪

    Obviously I’m negating a lot of thought and effort but these boutique guys would sell a couple more guns if they would price things to be sold at Academy/ local pawn shop instead of milking us all for gubbmint contracts. Thanks for nothing!!

    Now I’m pissed thanks tfb

  • Boomer14 Boomer14 on Apr 18, 2020

    If the "proprietary" super-conducting material (guessing carbon
    fiber?) does such a good job transducing barrel heat, why do they
    put a lower-quality heat sink (i.e. aluminum) between it and the atmosphere?
    Why not overtly use carbon fiber like all the other high-end
    barrel OEMs with their carbon-encased barrels?

    Seems fishy, need a higher-IQ gun nut to enlighten me on this...

    • Hacedeca Hacedeca on Apr 19, 2020

      @Boomer14 I think, this is a very interesting question! Wikipedia claims, aluminium alloys are the most common heat sinks, while being much cheaper than copper.

      That they use carbon fibre is your assumption... Who knows? Might be a gel or something...
