Featured Deals of the Quarantine – 4/10/20

Benjamin F
by Benjamin F

Hello everyone, and welcome back to another Featured Deals of the Quarantine. I’m Benjamin F and without any further ado, some hot deals.

AR-15 Soda Can Launcher With Picatinny Foregrip – $139

Image Provided by F5 MFG
What the deal is:

Okay, picture the scene. You’re in your house, minding your own social distancing business. All of a sudden from outside you see some gopher digging at your survival garden. You don’t want to shoot him with 5.56, that would make a mess all over your roses. So you whip out a mil-spec blank, slap on the launcher, and slam a can of coke into that gopher’s face at high speed. Perfection. Or don’t do that I have no idea if it’s legal or not please do not sue me.

Why it’s a good deal:

It’s a can launcher for your AR-15! And, it’s on sale. Normally retailing for $179 now you can have this incredible piece of American engineering for $40 off.

Henry Big Boy X Model .357 Lever-Action – $750

Image Provided by Mikes Armory
What the deal is:

The Henry Big Boy X Model is one of their newest lever-guns. It comes with the much-requested side loading gate, a 7-round tubular magazine, integrated sling mounting points, and both Picatinny and M-LOK accessory slots. In short, if you want a rugged, reliable, and trick-out-able lever-action in .357/38 special? This gun is for you.

Why it’s a good deal:

Honestly, these are selling like hot-cakes so finding them in-stock anywhere is tricky. The sales price of $750 is pretty average, the selling point here is that they’re here and for sale.

Brownells Stimulus Sale – April 10-19

Image Provided by Brownells
What the deal is:

In the spirit of stimulus, Brownells has a big, big sale going on over there. There’s 20% off CMC Triggers, they’ve got up to 30% off Geissele. Brownells has sales on bulk Magpul magazines, and of course on all of their Retro Rifles.

Palmetto State Armory Easter Sale

Image Provided by Palmetto State Armory
What the deal is:

Happy (almost) Easter everybody! Palmetto is celebrating with a sale on, well, just about everything. There’s D&H Aluminum Magazines for $9.99, Heritage Rough Rider 22s for $119.99, Vortex Crossfires for $149.99, and more!

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Benjamin F
Benjamin F

Benjamin is a law student living in Maryland. He was introduced to firearms at summer camp when he was thirteen. Ever since his first shot with a .22LR bolt-action he has been in love with shooting sports. He is a moderator on the TFB Discord, which can be found at https://discord.gg/bcVD9zw, and can occasionally be found on twitter @BFriedmanUSA.

More by Benjamin F

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  • JJJingleheimerSchmidt JJJingleheimerSchmidt on Apr 11, 2020

    Dammit they have the can launcher in OD Green. Must...Resist...The ...Siren...Call...Of...The...Green

  • Al Al on Apr 12, 2020

    How about a daily deal that is actually a deal and not @ssholes price gouging everyone.
