Swedish Police Buys the B&T GL06 for Tear Gas Grenades
Just like the Department of Homeland Security (USA), the Swedish Police Force has now ordered the GL06 40 mm less-lethal grenade launchers made by B&T in Switzerland.
I hope this article doesn’t confuse you now, with Switzerland and Sweden in the same sentence…
The order is quite modest, with an idea that there will be about 30 trained Police officers distributed in the three metropolitan regions in Sweden: Stockholm, West and South.
Below: From the article in Polistidningen ( Source).
The intention for the Swedish Police is to have a possibility to use them in riots, by releasing tear gas to disperse crowds.
The legal possibility to use tear gas grenades has always been there, but poor access to suitable weapons and lack of training means that the usage has been nil. Individual Police Office can and will use their personal OC spray (Oleoresin Capsicum), of course.
Below: These are the firearms that the Swedish Police previously has (had) in their arsenal for tear gas. (Photo: unknown/Twitter)
The version for the Swedish Police has “Belongs to the (Swedish) Police” lasered on the lower. This is a similar marking that is used on the LWRC IC-Enhanced carbines used by the Swedish SWAT teams.
The Swedish GL06 also uses the Aimpoint Micro, and it seems that they have added a rather long front vertical grip, that looks like it could second as a bipod.
A few years ago, in 2015 at the B&T Police & Military Days I got to shoot the B&T GL06 Launcher with the 9 mm training system. The accuracy was really good. The distance was only about 30-40 yards, but it was possible to pinpoint the targets exactly where I wanted, and much easier than by a handgun for instance.
The stock and the Aimpoint really helped with the aim and to make an accurate shot with this “pistol”.
I don’t remember the trigger pull, which probably means it wasn’t terrible or causing me to miss.
Below is a picture from the B&T Police & Military Days. The barrel length is only 280 mm (11″), so it’s a very compact and light system.
The GL06 launcher and SIR less lethal ammunition family is the state of the art in point-of-aim/point-of-impact less lethal system for public order, law enforcement and peacekeeping operations. The system will secure the human rights of protesters and the safety of the police using the product.
B&T launcher GL06 black, Cal. 40 mm
The GL06 is not only the most accurate 40 mm LL-launcher on the market, it’s also very light, ergonomic and fast to shoot. The SIR ammunition family offers a wide range of effective kinetic energy or irritant cartridges.
Here’s a video showing the potential accuracy of the GL06:
This article may also interest you: Swiss B&T defends its GL06 Grenade Launcher.
Source: Polistidningen and B&T.
Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.
More by Eric B
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will this launcher also launch HEDP?
How does a 40mm grenade-launcher “secure the human rights of protesters” ? Guess it shoots hybrid M&M/ Skittles rounds ?