TFB Has a New YouTube Channel! Introducing: TFB Show Time

    The Firearm Blog is launching a new video channel on the 5th anniversary of TFBTV. The Firearm Blog’s YouTube channel started on January 20, 2015, at SHOT Show.  Since that day, show content like SHOT, NRAAM, Triggrcon, and etc. have been cornerstone content for the channel, making up a large chunk of TFBTV’s video library. However, after producing and publishing well over 100 show and expo videos a year, the viewers have made it clear to us that we need to split show coverage off from review videos since the two types of content vary wildly, and show content tends to be overwhelming for viewers looking for straightforward reviews, experiments, and commentary videos. We think it’s time to introduce our new, show-content-only channel: TFB Show Time.

    Use this link if you’d like to subscribe to TFB Show Time:

    James Reeves

    • Owner, Neutral Ground Gun Co.
    • NRA/Louisiana State Police certified concealed weapons instructor, 2012-present
    Maxim Magazine’s MAXIMum Warrior, 2011
    • TFBTV Executive Producer
    • Champion, Key West Cinco De Mayo Taco Eating Competition
    • Lawyer
    ► Instagram: gunshorts
    ► Twitter: @jjreeves
