POTD: The Finnish Guard Jaeger Regiment at Kvarn Training Ground

    Today’s Photo Of The Day takes us to the Land Warfare Center in Sweden (Kvarn), where the Guard Jaeger Regiment from Finland found it suitable to do some training.

    This is Sweden’s largest facility for urban warfare, for fighting in built-up areas.. The facility comprises a total of 42 buildings, to make the surroundings as realistic as possible.

    Above you can see the 12.7 mm NSV machine gun giving it all. Well, below as well.

    Below you can see soldiers with the RK62, in unknown versions, climbing on each other.

    Here is their own description:

    The multidimensionality of the built-up area poses additional challenges in commanding offensive battles. Even a short advance takes time.

    Inspecting buildings, advancing between buildings, and seeking cover requires managing the three-dimensional environment.

    I think the vehicle is a Sisu Pasi XA-180/185.

    To give you a feeling how difficult the Finnish language is, here is a description about what they did in their own language.

    Rakennetun alueen moniuloitteisuus tuo lisähaasteita hyökkäystaistelujen johtamiseen. Lyhyenkin matkan eteneminen vie aikaa. Rakennusten tarkastaminen, eteneminen rakennusten välillä ja suojan hakeminen vaativat kolmiulotteisen toimintaympäristön hallintaa.

    Text and photos from Kaartin jääkärirykmentti – Guard Jaeger Regiment (Finland).


    If this was of interest of you, we’re pretty sure this will also be read-worthy: TFB Exclusive: O.D. Green Valmet RK62 M3
