Rearming the Polish Policja (Police) with the Beretta APX
On October 8th, the National Police Headquarters of Poland announced their selection of a new sidearm for their officers. The new sidearm will supplement the aging SA/DA P-83 and Glock 19 pistols in their current inventory. UMO, the organization responsible for facilitating the bids for various Polish military and police forces put out several bids for the selection of a new handgun. The National Police Headquarters announced that they had selected UMO’s least expensive bid for 4,666 Beretta APX pistols with an option for 1,000 more.
Polish Police Select UMO Bid for the Beretta APX
Police Headquarters also considered several other bids by UMO including the Fabryka Broni P99AS, the CZ P-10C, and even the Slovenian Arex REX Delta. Other bids from several companies were outright rejected including bids for Glock 17 Gen 3’s, Berlopak TM-9 Gen2’s and the Canik TP9SF Elite.
Currently, the Poland National Police make use of nearly 80,000 P99AS pistols. They purchased the pistols in installments starting in 2008 with the final purchase of the P99AS being made in August of 2016. The Beretta APX will most assuredly be a hot item for field officers on the job.
About the Beretta APX
The Beretta APX is a full-sized semiautomatic striker-fired pistol specifically designed for military and law enforcement applications. It features a serialized chassis frame, replaceable grip frames and 3 interchangeable back straps. The stock APX also features a 6lb factory trigger with a short reset. While being a military and police application pistol, the APX also finds its way into the competition scene because of its aspects.
Some of the notable features of the APX include an Extremely Aggressive slide serration pattern that covers nearly the entire slide, an ambidextrous slide stop, reversible magazine release, and a striker deactivator.
It’s not clear at this point if the Police Forces of Poland will continue to replace their current inventory with more APX pistols. As of right now, the current order for just over 4,500 APX pistols stands as the only recent purchase by the agency. Either way, there will be some officers out there who will be extremely happy to receive some new equipment from a long venerated firearms manufacturer.
Are you a currently employed or former law enforcement officer? If so, what would you have your ideal sidearm be if you could pick one? Let us know down in the comments!
Reloader SCSA Competitor Certified Pilot Currently able to pass himself off as the second cousin twice removed of Joe Flanigan. Instagram:
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Wow, someone is actually buying the turd.
They chose well. The APX is one of the tip top polymer pistols around today.