Concealed Carry Corner: Limitations Of Concealed Carry During Mass Shootings
TFB’s Concealed Carry Corner series has always had an underlying heaviness to it. That heaviness is due to the fact that it’s a wide topic about the possibility of having to take someone’s life if you find yourself or a loved one a victim of an assault involving deadly force. Well, in this edition of Concealed Carry Corner, we’re going heavier still. Let’s discuss the limitations of concealed carry as a response to mass shootings. Note: My photo selection deviates from the Concealed Carry Corner norm, and is meant to reflect various settings we visit in which there are large amounts of people.
Early, after the recent mass shootings in Ohio and Texas, I recall seeing a post on social media saying something to the effect of “we can finally put the argument of concealed carriers being able to stop a mass shooting to bed.” The statement got me thinking. I certainly wasn’t contemplating giving up my right to keep and bear arms, but I searched myself again, as I do on occasion, about things that could hinder my response during mass shootings.
I want to be careful here. I’ve never been in a shoot out, let alone a mass shooting. I want to be respectful to those that have been, whether or not they were carrying a firearm at the time of the incident. It’s easy for gunners and anti-gunners alike to lambaste anyone that was carrying for self defense and chose not to engage a mass shooter. It’s also easy to say “If I was there, I would’ve done X, Y, or Z.” But would you? Could you?
Each shooting incident is different. You never know where you’ll be in relation to an active shooter when they suddenly reveal their intentions. For those with children, are they old enough to leave or run away while you engage? Could you be mistaken for the shooter? Are you proficient with your choice of weapon for everyday carry? Might there be people between you and the shooter? Might there be people directly behind the shooter from your vantage point? Depending on the number of people around you, would you even be able to change vantage points?
Carrying in a concealed manner is one of the greatest limiting factors as it pertains to engaging an active shooter. It has its strong points such as stealth, but for most people, keeping their weapon concealed means reducing the overall size, which also reduces the sight radius, terminal ballistics, ammo capacity, and quick access (depending on how deeply concealed it is). Since society… I mean, the loud part of society likes to freak out at the sight of a holstered firearm in public, we’re forced (by way of not wanting to cause alarm or be harassed) to limit our everyday carry to a less than ideal weapon. Some people’s body types let them get away with covertly carrying a full-sized handgun, and I applaud those that can.
As most of TFB’s readers are aware, there have obviously been cases in which armed citizens have stopped active and would-be shooters. If there weren’t examples of good guys with guns saving the day, then there would probably be fewer people willing to sweat on an expensive two-pound weight inside their waistband. There are also probably many cases that we’ll never know about because no shots were even fired. has compiled more than 50 examples of concealed carriers that have stopped mass shooters. Gun owners have won the day many times, and we have the potential to win our fight too if we’re in such a situation.
The following videos are just a few examples of concealed carriers that engaged active shooters. The first documented what took place in dentist’s office. The second video gives a brief look into a shooting at a park in which 200 people were estimated to be present at the time. The third video details an incident that took place at a packed restaurant. In each incident, the perpetrator of the mass (or potentially mass) shooting was stopped by citizens carrying concealed.
Where do we go from here? Even though it seems the firearms community is taking a lot of heat on the national and global stage, it’s also awakening people. Responsible people are told that they shouldn’t have something, and ask themselves “why?” I’ve seen many posts on gun forums and social media posting about their first firearm, or asking what they should get for their first. As always, we should be there to help foster those inquisitive minds. We should also be encouraging responsible people to carry concealed everywhere they’re able. As we’ve said in numerous Concealed Carry Corner articles, simply having a gun is only part of the potential to win. Training, practice and mindset are the other parts of the puzzle.
Based on the questions posed above, I don’t believe that every person carrying concealed will have the ability to engage a mass shooter in every scenario. However, I believe that if we have more people carrying, then there will be a higher probability that someone will be in the right spot, with the least amount of limitations to engage an active shooter. According to, the United States has approximately 7.14 percent of American adults has a permit to carry as of 2018. You can follow the link to see each individual state’s percentage as well. Although, it really only shows how many pieces of paper have been issued. It doesn’t mean that each permit holder is actually carrying a firearm at any given time and place. The phrase “I only carry if I’m going to a dangerous area” is obsolete, as we’ve seen that there are no safe places.
How about you? Do you carry your firearm as often as you can? If you are a responsible, law-abiding person and you haven’t taken the plunge into self-defense (or defense of others), what is hindering you? Do you agree with the potential limitations of concealed carry responses to mass shootings? Are there more limitations to consider?
TFB’s Concealed Carry Corner is brought to you by GLOCK
Doug has been a firearms enthusiast since age 16 after getting to shoot with a friend. Since then he's taken many others out to the range for their first time. He is a husband, father, grandfather, police officer, outdoorsman, artist and a student of history. Doug has been a TFB reader from the start and is happy to be a contributor of content. Doug can be reached at battleshipgrey61 AT, or battleshipgrey61 on Instagram.
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I firmly believe that a viable solution to the issue of reduced sight radius and barrel length is learning to effectively use an MRDS. It is a complete game changer and can offer at LEAST PDW like accuracy out of a G19 sized handgun.
I carry the same weapon everywhere I go,a full sized nine with double stack mag, and a five inch barrel. It is far nore accurate innately than I will ever be. I know this model is capable of accurate hits at well above 100 yards. Long sight radius helps, too. All steel frame, it is heavy, but that's part of why I like it... less felt recoil because of the mass the round leaving has to push against. It took a long while to find and then fuss with the carry rigs I use, but once I figured them out (one for dressup, the other for everyday casual) I hardly know it is there. comfortable whilst driving as well.
I have larger, 1911 style, some big revolvers, but that full sized nine is the most capable yet comfortable thing I've found. Not a common gun anymore, partly because its not the plastic tactikool styling so in vogue... I tried these, too muh recoil too fat, awkward, does not fall easily to my small hands.
WHen I am out on my road bike I do carry a much smaller almost mouse gun, single stack, but it must disallear in the rear jersey pocket that is all but universally worn by us road cyclists. Placed rear sight up inside a Ruger LCP rug, it "prints" just like a common cyclist's tool rool. Been stopped twice by nasty cops in the big city to the south, looking for an "incident", they never even dreamed I was carrying.... I was pegged as one of those poofty leftwing radical enviro-freko bike worshippers who would NEVER be armed..... Hah, fooled them!!! Not much of a gun, it is the ONLY time I ever carry that one... but there have been some nasty incidents (shootings, waylayings, robberies, against cyclists who are perceived as wimpy and wealthy I fugire that tiny muzzle end with its nine mm hole will be the biggest blackest scariest cavern they've ever looked down.... and if they don't die of the shame of having so misjudged their mark, they might die of fright looking down that HUGE black hole...... even so, in the large city to the south of me I ALWAYS carry that when out riding, and there are many places in that festering city where I will NOT ride by myself, and others I will NEVER ride at night like I did even two years ago. The homeless rabble have increased in number, boldness,and radicality, along with their contempt for other life than their own. In many ways I wish it were pracitcal to carry the full sized nine mentoned above. but I can't figure out how to do that in whilst attired in the standar tropical fish suit that is so winderfully perfect for riding.. and nothing else.