TFB Paper Targets Break Down – The Gady Drill

    This past weekend I went out with a few friends and had a very early range session. One of the guys I was with set up an extremely simple drill with nothing but a large piece of paper, index card and a can of spray paint. In the last few articles, I’ve found various targets that are easily accessible online. After reading comments, I started to see you guys sometimes like to just make targets at the range. This drill is a perfect example of making your own target with little to no money!

    How To Make The Gady Drill

    The Gady Drill is really quick and easy to set up at the range. All you’ll need is a 3×2 foot piece of paper or cardboard and then spray two 3 inch dots roughly a foot and a half away from each other. once that’s set up, you’ll want to spray paint the outline of an index card about a foot below the dot. Put an outline below each dot and you’re all set to start!

    Benefits of The Gady Drill

    One thing I’ve learned when shooting different drills is that every drill should challenge you some way. Whether its consistency, trigger control, shooting cadence, or throttle control different drills have a given purpose. The Gady drill impressed me by how simple, but versatile the drill was at the same time. The small circular dot at the top will help with accuracy and trigger control. Typically we did 5 shots at the start to focus on accuracy before starting in different movements.

    After we did our initial warm up drills, we moved into reloading drills incorporating one shot with a slide lock reload followed up by two shots into the target to finish. The index card outlines at the bottom are in the drill to mainly simulate target transitions and gives shooters the opportunity for pistol and rifle transitions. At our range day, we used the bottom targets as a quick shot target and the smaller dot as an accuracy target that took more time to complete.

    We added in rifles as well and ran through the same drills with AR pistols and rifles. There’s endless combinations adding a rifle-to-pistol transitions into the mix along with numbering each target. Adding numbers to the various targets will target acquisition into the mix and making the drill tougher for more experienced shooters.

    My shooting buddy’s target after a morning of transition work.

    Overall Thoughts

    So far, the Gady drill has become one of my favorite drills for range sessions because its crazy simple to set up and gives the shooters a number of different options for drills depending on what they need to work on. I think the Gady drill will definitely be added into the mix of regular drills on my range sessions. If you have a favorite drill, be sure to leave them in the comments below. If you have questions about anything gun related, feel free to send me a message on Instagram @fridgeoperator. Stay safe out there!

    I’m an avid shooter and love educating whether it’s at my job or in the shooting community. I’m an average joe that really loves talking with other people about firearms and other passions.
    I’m active on Instagram on @fridgeoperator.
