TFB FIELD STRIP: Mossberg 500

Doug E
by Doug E

Welcome to the TFB Field Strip series. We’ll be disassembling a Mossberg 500 in this edition. The field strip process for the Mossberg 500 is very similar to the 505, 510, 535, 590, 835, as well as the Maverick 88 and 91 models. The only real significance being whether your model has a captured takedown screw on the barrel assembly, or a removable cap at the end of the magazine. Before we get started, the four gun safety rules are listed below as a reminder.

REMEMBER the four rules of gun safety:

  1. All guns are always loaded.
  2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.
  4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.


Mossberg manuals can be found HERE.

Step 1.

Press the Action Release Button just behind the trigger guard and open the action. Inspect the chamber and magazine to ensure that they are unloaded.

Step 2.

Once you’re sure the weapon is safe, you can leave the action open. Unscrew the Takedown Screw (or magazine cap for similar models) at the end of the magazine. Undoing the screw will loosen the barrel assembly from the receiver.

Step 3.

Remove the Barrel Assembly from the receiver. You may have to fully or partially close the action while doing this.

Step 4.

Remove the Trigger Group Retaining Pin (just above the trigger). You can use a punch or screwdriver. The rear of the trigger guard can then be pulled downward and out of the receiver.

Step 5.

Once the trigger group is removed the Cartridge Interrupter (red arrow) and Cartridge Stop bars can be removed. Note the red arrow pointing to the nub on the Interrupter. It fits into the hole on the right side of the receiver. The Cartridge Stop sits on the left side of the receiver.

Step 6.

Move the action rearward until the Bolt Slide lines up with the receiver’s clearance cut, highlighted in yellow. Once lined up, the Bolt Slide can be pulled out.

Step 7.

Since the Bolt Slide is gone, the Action Slide Bars and Forearm can be slid off the front of the magazine.

Step 8.

The Bolt is removed from the front of the receiver, where the barrel had been. The Bolt can be taken down further, though it’s quite easy to clean without a full disassembly.

Step 9.

To remove the Cartridge Elevator (highlighted pink inside the receiver), pull it up from inside the receiver, then pinch the long arms together. The arms have nubs that sit in exposed holes in the receiver (just above the trigger group retaining hole seen in the above photo).

Step 10.

Removal of the Magazine Tube isn’t always necessary but is fine to do for occasional cleaning. Be careful as you unscrew the Magazine as the spring inside is under slight pressure. The Follower will be loose so keep a hand close by the receiver.

Reassemble in reverse order and complete a function check before storing your Mossberg 500.

Doug E
Doug E

Doug has been a firearms enthusiast since age 16 after getting to shoot with a friend. Since then he's taken many others out to the range for their first time. He is a husband, father, grandfather, police officer, outdoorsman, artist and a student of history. Doug has been a TFB reader from the start and is happy to be a contributor of content. Doug can be reached at battleshipgrey61 AT, or battleshipgrey61 on Instagram.

More by Doug E

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2 of 22 comments
  • JoeBoomer JoeBoomer on Jun 01, 2019

    Good article, but go to YouTube, find a good video on the takedown and reassembly. There is a sweet spot in putting the bolt slide back in and it involves having your tongue hanging out at just the right angle.

  • Adverse6 Adverse6 on Jun 15, 2019

    Walking into gun shop, "Hi, I have this sack of parts........"
