Locally Made 5.56 Revolver From Indonesia

    A specialty of local illegal gunsmiths in Indonesia for the last few years has been building these all-encompassing portable solutions for all conceivable encounters. Carrying them has become somewhat a trend with street criminals, the availability of ammunition likely down to the willingness of army personnel to be very accommodating when given the chance to be persuaded. For the discerning customer who wants the best bang for his buck, why advise settling for anything of the lesser, non-bottlenecked variety?

    Below are a handful of recent news reports featuring these pistols which appear quite frequently in armed crime:

    GAINING (Lampost.co) – Found carrying a homemade firearm, SU (32), a resident of Lubuklinggau Kerawas Village, Kerawas District, Musirawa Regency, South Sumatra, was arrested by the Sector Police of Gedungmeneng, Tulangbawang.

    Kapolsek Gedungmeneng, AKP Suharto, when contacted on Tuesday (10/24/2017), said that SU who worked as a car driver was arrested for storing homemade firearms and ammunition.

    Members of the Tulangbawang Police Criminal Investigation Unit along with the Rawajitu Selatan Sector Police arrested YS (17), a young man who kept and owned firearms (senpi) assemblies and illegal ammunition. Invisible Reskrim AKP Zainul Fachry, representing the Tulangbawang Police Chief AKBP Raswanto Hadiwibowo said the suspect was arrested on Wednesday (4/16/2018) at around 04.00 WIB at his home. From the results of a search at the suspect’s house, the authorities managed to confiscate one piece of silver revolver type assembly and five 5.56 mm call ammunition. At present the apparatus is conducting an inspection in the Tulangbawang Police Headquarters.” TULANGBAWANG (Lampungpro.com):

    Tribratanews.polri.gi.id – Lampung Regional Police / Tulang Bawang Police Station. Residivis of 2015 theft and violence perpetrators with the initials HO (23) and one US colleague (26), both residents of Kampung Bujukagung, Banjarmargo District were arrested by a special anti-bandit team (Tekab) 308 Tulangbawang Regional Police for possession of homemade firearms in Banjarmargo District.

    Tulangbawang Police Chief, AKBP Raswanto Hadiwibowo, SIK said the two perpetrators were arrested on Tuesday (6/12/17) at 8:00 p.m., when the Police conducted a raid because the perpetrators’ movements were suspicious.

    Palembang – Police raided the home network of homemade firearms products in Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI), South Sumatra. The police arrested one person and confiscated 4 homemade pistols and 17 bullets. “The perpetrators of this network from the manufacture of illegal firearms or what we commonly call production houses and act as sellers have long been targeted. There are 4 senpira and one box of live ammunition with 17 bullets we have secured at the location,” Haris told reporters on Thursday (11/02/2017). Detik

    Along with more typical handgun copies encountered It would appear that these are manufactured in small home workshops equipped with basic tools, the pistols circulated among local armorers with patterns made and copied. Despite facing the death penalty if caught, the profits from the black market is a big enough incentive to continue.


    A small home workshop firearms manufacture operation uncovered by police in West Nusa Tenggara in May 2018
