Belarusian BSVT Starts Assembling VEPR Rifles and Shotguns

Hrachya H
by Hrachya H
Belarusian BSVT Starts Assembly of VEPR Rifles and Shotguns (1)

According to TASS Russian News Agency, the Belarusian State-owned Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise “BELSPETSVNESHTECHNIKA” (BSVT) has started assembling Vepr rifles and shotguns from Russian-made Molot parts. TASS was informed about this cooperation by a “Belarusian defense industry contact” during the MILEX 2019 arms exhibition recently held in Minsk, Belarus.

Vepr-1V rifle chambered in 7.62x54mmR

If you visit the small arms section of BSVT’s website, you’ll see that two versions of 12 gauge Vepr-12 shotguns (with 305mm (12″) and 430mm (17″) barrel lengths), as well as a 7.62x39mm and a 7.62x54mmR Vepr-1V rifles, are already listed there. Although BSVT is mostly specialized in military products, the Vepr rifles and shotguns on their website are referred to as hunting firearms.

Vepr-12 shotgun with a 305mm (12) barrel

Whether these Belarusian Veprs can be imported to the US or not is unclear to me. Presumably, they can’t be imported because they are merely assembled in Belarus from Russian-made parts. But my knowledge of US customs laws is very limited and these are just my assumptions. If we have customs legislation experts among our readers, let us know in the comments section what do you think about it.

About BSVT (quoted from the company’s website):

The field of activity of State-owned Foreign Trade Unitary Enterprise “BELSPETSVNESHTECHNIKA” is scientific, production and foreign trade activity (including rendering of intermediary services) related to military goods and dual purpose products, encryption means (works, services), means of secret information obtaining and other products. SFTUE “BELSPETSVNESHTECHNIKA” is organizationally included into the State Military Industrial Committee of the Republic of Belarus.

SFTUE “BELSPETSVNESHTECHNIKA” provides its activity since 1995. The company has built up a reputation as the reliable partner in sphere of specific goods supply and services rendering, constantly expanding the sphere of its activity.


“Источник: Белоруссия начала производство российского гражданского оружия”. (2019, May 15). TASS Russian News Agency. Retrieved from:

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Hrachya H
Hrachya H

Managing Editor Being a lifelong firearms enthusiast, Hrachya always enjoys studying the history and design of guns and ammunition. Should you need to contact him, feel free to shoot him a message at

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5 of 11 comments
  • Lee Enfield Lee Enfield on May 23, 2019

    I have a VEPR 54R and screw them for never getting a spare parts channel set up while they were importing. If a x39 shows up again I'll be doing a hard pass.

  • FOC Ewe FOC Ewe on May 27, 2019

    B&T needs to reinvent the VEPR 12 like they have sub-guns so the DoD will buy it.
