Rusty S.
by Rusty S.
“Uzi 9 millimeter”

REMEMBER the four rules of gun safety:

  1. All guns are always loaded.
  2. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.
  4. Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.

TFB Field Strip: UZI

1. Remove the magazine. Pull back the bolt with the cocking knob on the top cover and visually inspect the chamber and bolt face for cartridges.

Remove the magazine by pressing the magazine catch on the bottom of the grip and sliding magazine down and out.
Inspect chamber for cartridges
2. Allow the bolt to go forward. Hold the receiver cover down and press the receiver cover catch to the rear. Remove the cover by lifting upward and rearward.
Receiver cover catch circled in red
Top cover removal
3. Lift the bolt upward and press slightly rearward, then pull the bolt and striker assembly out and forward.
Removing the bolt

4. Remove the striker assembly from bolt, but leave striker spring attached

Striker assembly slides back out of bolt

5. Depress the barrel nut retaining latch.

Barrel nut retaining catch circled in red

6. Unscrew the barrel retaining nut and pull out the barrel.

Barrel nut removed, barrel pulls out forward from the firearm
7. Inspect and clean all parts. Lightly oil all the parts of bolt and striker mechanism, and interior of the receiver. If storing for a long time, lightly oil the bore and chamber.
Fully disassembled Uzi

8. Reassemble in reverse order. Your Uzi is now ready to star in an 80’s action movie or take part in Operation Wolf.

Note: these are steps for a basic field strip/cleaning. For detailed cleaning, the trigger and grip module can be removed and disassembled, as well as the extractor assembly from the bolt

Rusty S.
Rusty S.

Having always had a passion for firearms, Rusty S. has had experience in gunsmithing, firearms retail, hunting, competitive shooting, range construction, as an IDPA certified range safety officer and a certified instructor. He has received military, law enforcement, and private training in the use of firearms. Editor at

More by Rusty S.

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  • OldJarhead03 OldJarhead03 on May 14, 2019

    Nice slow rate of fire too... Reminds me of the Sten or the old M-3 grease gun.

  • USMC03Vet USMC03Vet on May 15, 2019

    Whenever I see an uzi I think Chuck Norris Delta Force and Operation Wolf. You’ve got one of my bucket guns, Rusty.
