M1A Vs. SKS – A Better Battle Rifle?

Joel W
by Joel W

Comparing the Springfield M1A to a Russian SKS. Joel shoots them and tries to determine how they stack up and which one is a better battle rifle. You may notice there’s very little discussion about the accuracy of these guns. You can expect a minute of man at distance and approximately two MOA at 100 yards.


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#TFBTV #guns #M1A

Joel W
Joel W

Ex Law Enforcement. Security consultant. Owner of the Precision Rifle Network. Long range shooter and competitor. Husband. Father.

More by Joel W

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2 of 97 comments
  • Lyle Keeney Lyle Keeney on Feb 24, 2019

    Some corrections; please don't call a front sight a "ghost right sight" A "ghost ring sight" is a type of rear sight. A front sight cannot be a "ghost ring". The SKS has a "hooded front sight".

    I noticed you loading the SKS with loose rounds. That's not how it's done. You load from ten round clips.

    You didn't mention the differences in capacity and reload speed, both of which are relevant to a "battle" rifle (or carbine).

  • Wjkuleck Wjkuleck on Mar 01, 2019

    Pardon me for not reviewing the previous 118 comments (!), so if this has been covered, well, so be it:

    There appears to be some confusion as to the nature of the "Ghost Ring" sight. The Ghost Ring term was coined by Jeff Cooper to refer to an aperture (peep)
    rear sight with a large, thin-ringed aperture. The "Ghost" part comes from the fact that the periphery of the aperture is so close and so thin that it literally disappears from view when you focus on the front sight. That's because of the focal length of the human eye; an object as close as an aperture sight is so out of focus that at best all one "sees" is a ghost image of the ring.

    Further, it is the nature of the eye to center itself in the brightest part of the visual field, that is, in the center of the aperture. Thus, it is not necessary or even desireable to be conscious of the aperture; the physiology of the eye takes care of proper positioning. Thus, one need only focus on the front sight, leaving the target blurry once it has been confirmed.

    The ring around the front sight is simply a sight guard, and does nothing but clutter the visual field. If there are those reading this that believe an open rear sight with a notch is easier to align with a front sight post than peering through a peep that you need not even see, I have some beautiful igloos in Tempe for sale to them.

    Walt Kuleck
    Author, The NEW M14 Complete Owner's Guide
    The M14 Complete Assembly Guide

    ...and a bunch of other Owner's and Assembly Guides.

    PS Yes I've had a number of SKSs, so they are not unknown to me.
    PPS A more appropriate rifle to compare with the SKS is the Ruger Mini-30.
