[SHOT 2019] X Products Glock Drum, Flame Thrower and Flying RC Camera Car

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

X Products is known for their can cannon and their drum magazines. This year at Shot Show, they have come out with a 69rd 9mm drum for use with Glock pattern magazine fed firearms. They have also made a drum for CZ Scorpions.

Glock and Scorpion 9mm Drum Mags

The Glock pattern drum magazine will fit any firearm that can fit a 33rd Glock magazine. So it will work for the KRISS VECTOR.

CZ Scorpion drum magazine below.

They will retail for $199 and they will have skeletonized versions.

Smaller, Lighter, yet Affordable Flame Thrower

X Products has also come out with with a more affordable flame thrower for Shot Show. The XM42 is smaller and lighter than their previous flame thrower.

The XM42-M retails for $849.99 but the new XM-42 Lite retails for $549.99. For the lower price tag you do pay a price in compromise. It will shoot fire 4 seconds shorter and 4 feet shorter than the larger XM-42M.

The battery is replaceable and the body is powder coated. The tank is not replaceable so you can’t use a backpack and the handguard is not MLOK compatible. While there is no voltage gauge, the XM-42 Lite does have a voltage regulator so it will shut down if there is a problem to keep you safe.

Ambidextrous Upper Receiver

Something a little new from X Products, they are making an ambidextrous upper receiver.

The Ambi Upper comes with a modified bolt carrier. As seen above.

It sports dual ejection ports with a cover plate to block the side you are not using.

At the rear of the upper receiver, there is a trap door. You lift it up to insert the BCG but it flips back down so when you install it, the lower receiver prevents the door from opening. This is really beneficial for when you are shooting suppressed.

The charging handle is ambidextrous but you have to uninstall it and flip it upside down to get it to work on the other side.

Rather than detents or some other mechanical means of keeping the non-reciprocating charging handle from moving, they are using rare earth magnets.

The upper receiver will retail for $199.

Flying Noveske RC Camera Car

Casey Noveske is the one who came up with this RC car concept. It is 3D printed and can survive being launched 100 feet away. It is coupled with a sort of sabot for the Can Cannon.

The concept is designed for law enforcement so they can get eyes into a second story. Just toss this thing through a window and drive it around. Assuming you don’t have closed doors.

For more information go to XProducts website.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

More by Nicholas C

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4 of 9 comments
  • It's just such a shame that X-Products is so anti-gun. They won't get another dime from me since they went on their pro-licensing anti-gun rant.

    And don't forget, the CEO's wife called for donations to Everytown for Gun Safety, a massively anti-gun organization.

    • Cymond Cymond on Jan 25, 2019

      @Christian Hedegaard-Schou Really? It's strange that they would choose to produce drum mags, the scariest of all magazines

  • Dewey Dewey on Jan 24, 2019

    Standard, brass-deflector equipped upper and standard charging handle are already ambidextrous.

    Flamethrowers are still douchebag gear.

    The average American gun owner, and many of the companies that cater to them, are still their own worst enemies.

    That is all.

    • Tommy Tommy on Jan 24, 2019

      @Dewey A flamethrower would be very handy doing controlled burns on my hilly ranch. Your post does prove that some gun owners are douchebags though.
