POTD: Color coding your knives and guns

Eric B
by Eric B

Today’s Photo goes in the color RED.

Let’s start with the main attraction – a CZ SP01 enhanced with LOK Grips and Truglo TFX Pro Sights.

I presume we have a lot of people who read TFB that also like knives and buy one every now and then?

When the gun safe is full, there’s always room for another knife…

In case you have missed it Microtech Knives are doing colors again, i.e. color variant of their models.

Both of these red knives are marked 12/2018, which means they were produced in December 2018. Already last year’s model…

The bigger one is a Microtech Combat Trodoon and the one on the right side is an Ultratech.

I just got myself a Combat Trodoon as well, but in Tan-Tan from PVK in Vegas. It’s a big knife, one of the largest Out The Fronts available.

Picture by author (Eric B)

The top photo with all the red is taken by Michael Taft, Georgia, used with kind permission. The red is probably a little less red in reality, as he used a filter to brighten the colors up a bit.

I am sure we have more readers that keep color coding their firearms, knives and accessories.

Please confess in the comments below!

Eric B
Eric B

Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6x6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.

More by Eric B

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3 of 39 comments
  • Vitsaus Vitsaus on Jan 14, 2019

    Why are gun guys becoming more like women every day?

    • Nathan Alred Nathan Alred on Jan 14, 2019

      @Vitsaus You could leave the word "gun" out of that sentence, and it would still make sense.

  • Charles Valenzuela Charles Valenzuela on Jan 15, 2019

    Buck is fine for me. I'm hard on stuff like knives. Break it? Lose it? Just throw it away and get another one, maybe with the same features or maybe try something new. Not paying more than $80 for a knife that I actually USE for stuff, and usually less than $50. What was the purpose of this stupid article? What do colors have to do with anything in this article? Getting close to just blocking this site.
