Reader's Choice Best Custom 1911 Winner: Wilson Combat

Tom R
by Tom R

Let’s get right to the results: Wilson Combat won with 19.5% of the votes. The Nighthawk Custom came in second place with 17% of the votes. Cabot and Les Baer were neck and neck with Cabot just taking the lead by 9 votes for 14%. This is one of the closest Reader’s Choice votes we’ve had (in our long history of 3 cycles…).

I personally don’t own any of these – I’m just not a 1911 guy. I’ve tried to be. I really have. But I always find myself curlled up at night with my striker fired polymer pistol. And my wife.


We asked you all to comment why you chose the gun you did and here are some of the best. The comments are getting better, so keep them coming. A lot of people still leave mundane comments (which is fine for the vote). Let’s be honest though—you all are still reading to ingest the witty remarks I make to the best comments. Because its really all about me… 🙂

John Wick didn’t want 7 rounds so why would I?

Chris S, STI

Because you are not the Baba Yaga? Post a pic of your gold coins in the comments and let the peanut gallery judge.

Because it’s what I like (There wasn’t a choice for Dan Wesson). And James needs more short shorts.

Andrew Q, Springfield Custom

We all think he needs more as well. Name your preferred colors in the comments.

Won’t touch any Springfield product. Never been a Nighthawk fan. A 1911, even a custom, needs to be shot so that takes Cabot and a few others out. Wilson’s are ment to be run and look damn good.

Bob G, Wilson Combat

What?!?! Are you saying the owner of the Cabot Meteor Grip guns is not going to go run through a Gunsite 250 class? Pshaw.

I would do naughty things for those grips

Blaise M, Cabot

Do tell.

Les Baer is a scholar and a gentleman.

Austin L, Les Baer

I say, dear sir, dost thou hath proof?

It’s made with Mammouth Bone…..nuff said!

Tim C, Republic Forge


There’s nothing quite like those fossilized mammoth tooth grips

Blaise M, Cabot

So…..again….teeth? Those would be some big, BIG teeth. I’m thinking its actually marrow, though. What is more important (and concerning) is that Blaise would do naughty things for teeth…

Any gun named after a volleyball is okay by me.

Tom H, Wilson Combat

They are not as good in the water from what I hear…

Accuracy. Fit, Finish,Trigger,Sight recovery on recoil.

Feels better in my hand than any other 1911 that I’ve tried, period. Just a traditional looking 1911, No ginger Bread or any carving of frame or slide or non period finishes including space age grip materials. I guess I am an old cranky gun snob with spittle running down my chin while wearing a lamp shade thinking that is my hat. I am tired I think I will take a nap.

Louis G, Les Baer

Get off his lawn.

Did I mention those meteorite 1911’s before? Literally out of this world.

Nicholas W, Cabot

Good one. Dad joke fist bump…

Of course only the germans can make a proper 1911

Adam L, Korth

In welchem ​​Maße, mein Herr?

It is not made to as a BARBCUE gun!

James K, Springfield Custom

I try not to barbecue with any of my guns. But I’m also not Bobby Flay.

Have you seen the Predator?! Next we’re gonna have helmets that aim for us!

Scott M, Nighthawk Custom

Only if the gun shoots plasma.


Norm W, Republic Forge

No need to shout Norm. This is the internet and there is no audio on this post.

1911s suck, this one just sucks the least

Riley B, Nighthawk Custom

I can’t disagree.

Upgrading Your Custom 1911

Oh who am I kidding. If you just spent > $3k on a pistol you already have everything you need for it. If not, get a Glock… 🙂

Tom R
Tom R

Tom is a former Navy Corpsman that spent some time bumbling around the deserts of Iraq with a Marine Recon unit, kicking in tent flaps and harassing sheep. Prior to that he was a paramedic somewhere in DFW, also doing some Executive Protection work between shifts. Now that those exciting days are behind him, he teaches wilderness medicine and runs an on-demand medical staffing business. He hopes that his posts will help you find solid gear that will survive whatever you can throw at it--he is known (in certain circles) for his curse...ahem, find the breaking point of anything.You can reach him at tom.r AT or at

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