Strike Industries ICHIRO Holster Hanger

Hrachya H
by Hrachya H
Strike Industries ICHIRO Holster Hanger (9)

Strike Industries in collaboration with firearms photographer and competition shooter Ichiro Nagata has designed a new competition holster hanger named after Mr. Nagata – Ichiro Holster Hanger. This holster mounting system allows for adjusting the position of your handgun in any imaginable angle and axis.

The advantage of having so many adjustment options is to be able to tune the height and angle of the gun to an exact position that allows you to draw the gun as fast as possible. As Strike Industries mentions in the description of this product, in competition shooting disciplines such as the Steel Challenge, even milliseconds can make difference.

Strike Industries Ichiro Holster Hanger has numerous adjustment options

Below you can find information about Ichiro Nagata and how he came up with this design (quoted from Strike Industries website) followed by a video where Mr. Nagata tests and demonstrates the holster hanger.

Mr. Nagata is a world-renowned photographer and is arguably the best firearms and knife photographer in the United States. He is well known and respected for his innovative and imaginative photo props, coupled with the stunning quality and clarity of his photographs. He is now retired but his works have seen in Combat Tactics, Tactical Weapons, American Hand gunners, Guns and many other magazines. Mr. Nagata is an avid shooter and a Surefire Low Light instructor. He is also PPC Grand Master, a Bianchi Cup High Master and “A” Class IPSC shooter.

Ichiro Nagata has been shooting various pistol matches for the last 40 years. Since the 1980’s, Ichiro has continually sought to refine and increase the speed of his draw, to achieve the goal of having the fastest draw possible. To reach his goal, he tested numerous holsters, ranging from classic leather holsters, ballistic nylon holsters, all the way to modern Kydex holsters. His drawing style has changed over the years as the holster capabilities and features have progressed. At age 65, Ichiro was still competing at two main shooting events; the Steel Challenge and the Bianchi Cup.

As Ichiro was examining the best holster for this event, and many holsters have satisfactory aspects, he found that the hanger systems often left something to be desired. So, Ichiro created his own. Taking his new hanger design, Ichiro has gone on to win the Super Senior Champion titles for five consecutive years.

While his record speaks for itself, you can see for yourself that his draw is strikingly fast. Ichiro comments “When we draw, each of us has preferred angles and habits. Where on the waist we want to locate our pistol, how we want to grab the grip, and what angle the pistol is positioned in while in the holster. I’m a very precise person as you can see in my photos, so I wanted to adjust my angles within ¼”. But there weren’t such hangers in the market, so I made one by myself.

The Strike Industries Ichiro Holster Hanger is currently available in two model options compatible with Safariland 014 and Double Alpha Race Master holsters or other holsters that use the same hanger mounts. It is listed on the company’s website at an MSRP of $99.95.

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Hrachya H
Hrachya H

Managing Editor Being a lifelong firearms enthusiast, Hrachya always enjoys studying the history and design of guns and ammunition. Should you need to contact him, feel free to shoot him a message at

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2 of 10 comments
  • Mike Mike on Dec 26, 2018

    Props for the appropriate 'Loudness' style soundtrack.

  • Dave Dave on Dec 27, 2018

    Teklok as the mounting plate...

    They just defeated the point of any adjustments you can make with this hangar using that wobbly piece of crap.
