TFB Christmas 2018: Peace And Goodwill To All


    Winding down the holiday season is always a bittersweet task. With the big day behind us, most of the suprizes are now unwrapped (and hopefully are also chambered in .308 with a threaded barrel). But we can still look forward to New Year’s Eve celebrations and the daylight hours continuing to grow longer. For those of you working today, in whatever industry, thank you for keeping the world moving while the rest of us pause to appreciate the important things in life. As the new year approaches, we can once again hope for a peaceful world and goodwill to everyone – an important goal even if seemingly impossible. So no matter what your faith, nationality or political affiliation, we wish you well. Thanks for reading TFB.

    On behalf of the American people — your own people – I send this Christmas message to you, to you who are in our armed forces: In our hearts are prayers for you and for all your comrades in arms who fight to rid the world of evil. We ask God’s blessing upon you — upon your fathers, and mothers, and wives and children — all your loved ones at home. We ask that the comfort of God’s grace shall be granted to those who are sick and wounded, and to those who are prisoners of war in the hands of the enemy, waiting for the day when they will again be free. – President Roosevelt – December 24, 1943.


    Editor In Chief- TFB
    LE – Silencers – Science
