Wojtek Weaponry AR-15 Grip Compatible BEAR Opener
Most of you probably have a spare AR-15 pistol grip lying around, don’t you? If you have been into firearms long enough then you should have at least an A2 grip somewhere in your parts bin which you probably won’t ever use on any of your firearms. Wojtek Weaponry has introduced a solution for your otherwise useless spare AR-15 grip. And the solution is an AR-15 grip compatible bottle opener called BEAR Opener.
BEAR Opener is the business end of the bottle opener which is designed to use an AR-15 grip as its handle. The installation of the BEAR Opener to the AR-15 grip is simply a matter of screwing it onto the grip via the provided screw. The result can be seen in the images of this article.
Below you can read how Wojtek Weaponry describes their new product:
If you ever wanted a badass bottle opener to pull out at a party AND you have some lonely AR15 pistol grips lying around, then you want this BEAR Opener!
You could use this to open beer, break or chip ice for your drink of choice, bludgeon a trash panda (not recommended) or knock open your car window for an escape. It is burly, it is handy and it is thoroughly badass. I styled it to look like an AR15 hammer and it has a black oxide finish.
The BEAR Opener is made of 3/8″ mild steel and as mentioned in the quote, comes with a black oxide finish. The weight of this device (without the grip) is 3.2 oz. It comes with a standard 1/4-28 grip screw and a washer. The MSRP of Wojtek Weaponry BEAR Opener is $16. You can also order a custom engraved BEAR Opener.
I think the idea of using the AR-15 grip for other roles is cool. I was thinking where else it could be used. Maybe it could make a knife handle!? What alternative use ideas for the AR-15 grip do you have? Share your ideas in the comments section.
Images from www.wojtekweaponry.com
Managing Editor Being a lifelong firearms enthusiast, Hrachya always enjoys studying the history and design of guns and ammunition. Should you need to contact him, feel free to shoot him a message at Hrachya@TheFirearmBlog.com
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Dumb. I usually just shoot off the tops of the bottles....
Why, WHY...do I EVER read the comment section. Rarely do the comments have ANYTHING meaningful or constructive to add. (MY bad for falling in to the trap I suppose)