Upcoming Protection Course With Alexander Global Strategies

Richard L.
by Richard L.

Protection Course

This week I am taking Law Enforcement Protective Operations with Alexander Global Strategies (AGS). The Alliance Police Range is hosting AGS in Alliance, OH. While I enjoy a good rifle or CQB course, protection courses can also be extremely beneficial. Whether going to the mall with our family or taking our significant other on a trip out of state, having an understanding of the skills protection agents utilize can enhance our planning and awareness. This is a 5 day course with a full day training scenario on the last day.

Packing List

Everyone is always excited to bring out their new plate carrier or night vision to class, but this course has a far less demanding packing list. A suit and tie, cover garment, pistol with 300 rounds, flashlight, concealment holster and a few other items were all that were listed on the packing list.

Pistols and Lights

I will be bringing my Agency NOC with a new RMR06 Type 2, Agency 17 with an RMR07 Type 1, a Surefire X300UB, and half case of Freedom Munitions 124 Grain FMJs. Along with my X300UB I will be carrying an Executive E2d and Fury DFT. These are two of my favorite handhelds and I have no doubt they will perform well.

Holsters and Belts

For carrying in suits I plan to carry strong side hip. High Threat Concealment (HTC) makes a low profile holster and mag carrier. The buckle on this belt is also from HTC and provides a more low profile alternative than a cobra buckle. The underbelt also provides added support.

Thanks to a little help from a heat gun this holster has worked well with comps.

For my IWB I will be wearing an Ares Gear Ranger Enhanced belt and a Phlster Spotlight with a Minuteman Defense Mag Caddy. Luckily my Phlster Spotlight holster just arrived and I look forward to getting some good time in with it in class.


Bryan Hillis is the President and Principal Consultant for Alexander Global Strategies. Bryan has extensive teaching and protection experience having protected US Government officials, foreign government officials, CEO’s, celebrities, and Fortune 100/500 companies. He also worked for O’Gara Group in developing protection training for Diplomatic Security Services Program. What questions do you have about this topic or class?

Richard L.
Richard L.

Richard lives in southern Indiana and has a strong interest in training, modified pistols, optics, and low profile gear/tactics. Some may consider it hoarding or some form of addiction, but he never tires in his pursuits as a stamp and lumen collector!For any corrections, input, or interest in posts, you can reach him at rlidelldsg@gmail.com.

More by Richard L.

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  • Hellbilly Hellbilly on Aug 30, 2018

    The Alliance police range shoot house is awesome. Have fun.

    • Dick Lidell Dick Lidell on Aug 30, 2018

      @Hellbilly The shoothouse at Alliance is great! This class did not use it very much based on the content taught but the Forge Tactical classes I have been to put it to great use and I look forward to coming back later next month for more.
