Happy 11th Birthday TFB!

by Pete

Happy Birthday TFB. Late last week marked the eleventh anniversary of the creation of The Firearm Blog. From its humble beginnings as a resource for avid shooters and collectors, our founder Steven Johnson wanted to provide a home that was free of partisan bickering. The idea is both simple and genius – instead of force-dividing gun owners into small groups because of political affiliations or hot button topics, TFB’s Firearms, Not Politics motto attempts to unite shooters behind the belief that guns are merely tools that can both defend and entertain.

It is because of this motto on our masthead that TFB has grown to be the largest, most successful firearms news resource in the world. Avoiding political debate gives us access to an international audience and an international writing staff that can bring you, our readers, a diverse range of topics.

That’s not to say we are perfect: on average we bring you sixty articles a week ranging from simpleproduct announcements to editorials. That is where we rely on our readers to keep us honest by politely reminding us when we are wrong, off-base or off-topic.

In eleven years, TFB has grown from a simple blog with a single voice to a media powerhouse that has a YouTube channel with nearly a half a million active subscribers. If all goes well, we will have some exciting announcements in the weeks and months ahead. Maybe James will finally auction off his swimwear. Maybe not.

Last year, both Steve, our Editor In Chief and our Managing Editor Phil White retired to pursue other passions. Everyday we try and live up to the standard by which they have built TFB. Personally, I feel extremely lucky to be a part of such a successful team of shooters, writers and videographers.

As always, thanks for reading and watching. We appreciate it.


Silencers - Science Pete@thefirearmblog.com

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  • Core Core on Jul 24, 2018

    It's hard to believe I have been reading your poorly edited articles for so long! : P Happy Birthday! In all seriousness, thank you for the amazing content!

  • AE AE on Jul 25, 2018

    Happy birthday to one of the best!
