20,001 POSTS – A TFB Odyssey

by Pete

Numerical landmarks, much like birthdays, anniversaries and engineering safety tolerances, are largely arbitrary and only as important as we all decide to make them. For example, today marks TFB’s 20,000th post over 11 great years. But since the mathematical change from one post to the next is exactly one, we thought this would be a good opportunity to push forward into the odyssey that is TFB.

TFB Original Series:

Over the past few months we have started up new recurring series’ here on the blog. If you have ideas for something new or changes for our current series, please let us know.

1) Identify My Guns

2) Friday Night Lights

3) Silencer Saturday

Upcoming TFB Original Series:

1) Beginners Guide To Reloading – Featuring Lyman

2) Field Strip – Example: Simple Elegance: Field Stripping The B&T APC9

New TFB Staff:

We have added both veteran gun writers and new media types to TFB’s ranks in the past few months. Our focus is bringing you quality, diversified content from around the world. Whether it’s Miles touring the gunshops of Kabul, Y-Man slinging slugs in Nigeria or Richard L. Training with lasers at TNVC in Texas, we hope to offer a little something for everyone.

We’ve brought on a long range expert from the Pacific Northwest, a shooter from ‘Behind Enemy Lines’ in California, a professional reloader and there are still more additions to come, if you have content suggestions, we are all ears – drop us an email.

TACTI-CALI: The Ledesma Arms Featureless AR Grip

April Fools: TFBTV Spearheads New YouTube-Approved Gun Review Videos

Review: Fiocchi 12 Gauge Rubber Buckshot and Rubber Slugs

YOU -The TFB Reader

Above all else, we want to bring you, the reader, quality, fact-based content that is both informative and entertaining. We will try to not flood you with press releases or affiliate links – feel free to vent (respectfully) in the Disqus comments below.

Thanks for reading – it’s only going to get better for post 20,001 and beyond.


Silencers - Science Pete@thefirearmblog.com

More by Pete

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2 of 32 comments
  • USMC03Vet USMC03Vet on Apr 05, 2018

    This is a cool place. Most of you guys are cool. Most of the commenters are cool. 😎

  • Hh Hh on Apr 05, 2018

    Strong work TFB. In a world full of turd blogs/news sites, etc yall do a really nice job here. Good solid mix of historical stuff, weird stuff, skills, humor, vids, pics, tfb tv, instructional informative pieces, compares and contrasts, etc ,etc.

    In short please be reluctant to change the fundamental model that you have been so successful with.
