March GATNESS Brackets Continue! (Plus a Bracket Contest for a Free Gun)

    Earlier this week, TFB ran an article on TFBTV’s “March Gatness” tournament (posted at We’re going to determine what readers think to be the best rifle, shotgun, automatic pistol, and revolver (click here) ever made.  TFBTV will run a video on the “winners,” i.e., the guns that go the distance and claim their respective brackets.

    The Rifle Tournament:

    While the revolver tournament (click here) and auto tournament (click here) went live earlier this week, the tournament to decide the greatest rifle of all time is the real draw: TFBTV took nominations from TFB’s editors and TFBTV viewers to make a full 32 rifle bracket for one of the most intense viewer’s choice awards competitions that gun media has ever seen. The competition will go on for a month, with every round lasting a week until the best rifle of all time is crowned.  (Yours truly has his money on the Colt M4/6921).

    The rifle tournament will kick off at 5 p.m. Central Standard Time today (CLICK HERE).

    The Bracket Contest:

    Any and all of TFBTV’s current Patreon supporters are eligible to win prizes. The viewer/supporter with the most accurate bracket will get a $50 Ventura Munitions gift card. Runners-up win assorted swag from TFB and your favorite gun companies. However, only Tier 1 TFBTV supporters (supporters who have been patrons for 6 months or greater or any patron who is giving at the $10 level) will be eligible to win a brand new Ruger Security-9 pistol if they correctly guess the results of every round. Brackets are available at (click here for a direct link to the post), just fill one out and e-mail it to But you better be quick: brackets are due before 5 p.m. CST today.
    Don’t forget to check back to periodically to check the results and vote in the next round.
    James Reeves

    • Owner, Neutral Ground Gun Co.
    • NRA/Louisiana State Police certified concealed weapons instructor, 2012-present
    Maxim Magazine’s MAXIMum Warrior, 2011
    • TFBTV Executive Producer
    • Champion, Key West Cinco De Mayo Taco Eating Competition
    • Lawyer
    ► Instagram: gunshorts
    ► Twitter: @jjreeves
