It Takes GLOCK Mags! B&T Develops New APC9 Glock Kit
Those of you who run in B&T circles may have seen a curious image floating around social media earlier today. Since an image of a purported new APC model was leaked prior to public release, B&T wanted to clarify a few specifications and possible timelines for release. At the request of an EU law enforcement agency, B&T Switzerland has designed an APC9 upgrade kit that will allow for the use of GLOCK magazines as well as an interchangeable receiver attachment that will accept Magpul and other aftermarket AR-style grips. The kit, which at the time of this writing will include a lower receiver and redesigned bolt, allows the requesting agency to integrate the APC9 alongside their GLOCK sidearms. As a reminder, the lower receiver on the B&T APC line of firearms is not the serialized/controlled part – the upper receiver is what ATF has classified as the actual firearm.
Although the new APC kit was designed for a specific purpose, B&T is hinting at U.S. availability sometime at the end of 2018. In addition, since the APC and GHM9 share the same lower receiver, in theory the kit would work on both models, if an additional GHM9 bolt design were offered in the future. A MSRP for the APC GLOCK kit has not been mentioned for either the EU or the U.S. versions.
Right now, plans for the new APC GLOCK kit are limited to a 9mm version and B&T has not mentioned the availability of an APC45 kit in the future.
We will keep you posted on any new B&T APC GLOCK kit information as it becomes available.
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Someone call Tim
I don't think this will compete favorably with the CMMG Guard, which has a superior operating system. Running Glock mags is a HUGE leap forward for B&T though- now their next big hurdle to get past will be shaving $1000 off the price.