[SHOT 2018] DSA's Inexpensive Steel and Titanium Glock Slides
In this episode of TFBTV’s Floor Day Coverage (Day 1), James talks to DSA’s sales manager, Marc, about DSA’s newest project: Glock slides.
DSA is entering a not-too-crowded-but-growing market of manufacturers offering Glock slides. Ironically, with Glock frames from companies like Polymer 80 and Barrels from Lone Wolf or Backup Tactical and you can basically build a Glock out of parts that aren’t even made by Glock. Weird.
Anyways, the DSA slides are very slick, and they even make a freakishly light titanium slide that equals one incredibly featherweight Glock. Even though it’s $400, for a machined block of titanium, that ain’t bad, especially considering the additional work titanium requires to function in this role.
A very special thanks to BROWNELL’S – check out their new Retro line here:
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Ventura Munitions: http://bit.ly/1LKxNRP
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Owner, Neutral Ground Gun Co. NRA/Louisiana State Police certified concealed weapons instructor, 2012-present Maxim Magazine's MAXIMum Warrior, 2011 TFBTV Executive Producer Champion, Key West Cinco De Mayo Taco Eating Competition Lawyer Instagram: gunshorts Twitter: @jjreeves
More by James Reeves
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Ti will be great for CCW.
Is there any way that I can get more info on the top FAL that is directly in-between them in the background?