Tau Development Group's Glock Striker Control Device

Ray I.
by Ray I.

I recently stumbled upon an interesting product called the Striker Control Device from a company called Tau Development Group. The SCD (Striker Control Device) is a device that replaces your Glock’s slide cover plate and adds another layer of safety when holstering your Glock.

As you holster your Glock you press on the SCD with your thumb, the SCD then blocks the rearward motion of the striker, that blocks the movement the trigger bar which prevents the trigger from moving and the pistol from firing. I know, keep your finger off the trigger if you don’t want the gun to fire. The SCD isn’t a replacement for safe gun handling, it’s just another way to ensure safe holstering. You don’t want something like this happening to you. One downside is the SCD backplate moves as you fire the Glock (see the video I posted below to check it out in action), this can be a bit distracting if you’re looking at it. Probably not any more distracting than The Punisher or Molon Labe backplate I’m sure you already added to your Glock.

The Striker Control Device goes for $79 over at taudevgroup.com while the pre-order for the Gen5, G43, and G42 is going for just $60 right now.

Edit: after I wrote this I realized we actually gave a sneak peek of this device a few years back, but it was called the “Gadget” back then.

Ray I.
Ray I.

Long time gun enthusiast, Sci-Fi nerd, Whiskey drinker, online marketer and blogger. My daily firearms musings can be found over at my gun blog ArmoryBlog.com and Instagram.Shoot me an email at ray.i@staff.thefirearmblog.com

More by Ray I.

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2 of 85 comments
  • Vizzini Vizzini on Dec 29, 2017

    this can be a bit distracting if you’re looking at it.

    If the back of the slide is occupying any part of your attention while shooting, you are doing it wrong.

  • Martian Martian on Jan 02, 2018

    Clearly a lot of readers opposed to this device did not even read the article
