NEW Double Tap BINARY Trigger for Brugger & Thomet Firearms

Hrachya H
by Hrachya H

Double Tap Arms has released a new version of their binary trigger for a number of Brugger & Thomet firearms including the APC9, APC45, P26, GHM9 pistol caliber carbines and APC223 rifle.

B&T APC9 Images by Dakota Tactical

The Double tap binary trigger set includes the trigger, hammer, disconnector, safety selector, safety selector detent spring as well as the trigger and hammer springs. The safety selector that this trigger mechanism comes with is not ambidextrous. The disconnector is made by laser cutting. The trigger and hammer are made by investment casting and final CNC machining. All the three parts are heat treated and phosphated.


Unlike the conventional triggers which fire upon trigger pull, binary trigger systems fire both when the trigger is pulled and released. The advantages of such systems are that the user can make a fairly quick two shots (double tap) by pulling and releasing the trigger. In general, the semi-auto fire using a binary trigger will be twice as fast as your shooting speed with a normal trigger. This system also complies with the legislation and doesn’t change the semi-auto status of the firearm.

B&T APC223

Double Tap Arms binary trigger for the above mentioned Brugger & Thomet firearms is available through the manufacturer’s website at $199.99. The shipping has started from December 11th, 2017.

Hrachya H
Hrachya H

Managing Editor Being a lifelong firearms enthusiast, Hrachya always enjoys studying the history and design of guns and ammunition. Should you need to contact him, feel free to shoot him a message at

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6 of 12 comments
  • JNZ JNZ on Dec 13, 2017

    I'm going to guess that unlike other "binary" systems this has zero mechanism for making sure you don't overrun the action on the second "pull"?

  • Gary Winters Gary Winters on Dec 13, 2017

    This is comical. The triggers they make for your AR you can do at home with a dremel or a file. Shave down the hammer disconnect surface and you are good to go.

    • See 3 previous
    • Gary Winters Gary Winters on Dec 14, 2017

      @Rick O'Shay You may need to check on how heat treating works. My point in all of this is, this company is a fraud.
