POTD: OCD Glock Dissassembly

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

Have you taken your Glock apart down to this level? This is rather impressive and I hope it is for illustrative purposes. Godspeed Firearms posted this photo on their Facebook page with a list of scheduled maintenance for Glock shooters.

For you Glock owners… Parts replacement schedule:

1. Recoil Spring Assembly: 3,000-4,000 rounds (Gen 1-3). 5,000-7,500 rounds (Glock Gen 4)

2. Firing Pin Spring (striker): 15,000 rounds

3. Firing Pin Safety Spring: 15,000 rounds

4. Extractor Depressor Plunger Spring: 15,000 rounds

5. Magazine Catch Spring: 15,000 rounds

6. Standard Trigger Spring: 15,000 rounds

7. Slide Lock Spring: 15,000 rounds

8. Slide Stop Lever Spring (attached to slide stop lever): 15,000 rounds

Have you shot that many rounds out of your Glocks? Do you find this schedule to be accurate?

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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2 of 55 comments
  • CavScout CavScout on Dec 02, 2017

    Yep, have done this with almost all my M&P's. Only part remaining are the front sights. Great design.

  • Justin Cheng Justin Cheng on Dec 04, 2017

    Oh yeah, I've broken my Glocks to this level before, and all with a single tool specifically made for it! Check it out!

    Can't recommend it highly enough the Advance Dynamic GTX.

