POTD: Handgun Holster Fail

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

Found this photo with zero context. I am curious what the user was thinking when they holstered the grip rather than the gun? The gun looks odd and I think it is a CO2 bb gun. Matthew says it is a Crossman 1088.

Forget the fact that this is some cheap corssman/Uncle Mike’s style holster. How does someone fail at holstering a gun? Maybe he is covering his six?

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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  • Patrick Patrick on Nov 19, 2017

    I was participating in a CCW qualification class yesterday. One shooter had a malfunction during the first course of fire. He inserted his rounds into the magazine backward. He was graciously and respectfully escorted off the course..... It was handled very diplomatically, but I can't fathom how someone can get through the onerous California CCW process to the last step without basic firearms proficiency.

  • David L. Willis David L. Willis on Nov 20, 2017

    Ok, ive seen my nephew do this and I know why. These use an insertable wheel that holds the pellets in place allowing each pellet to be fired as the wheel revolves. So though it looks like a semi auto, it is acually a revolving pellet gun. Anyway, the co2 is stored in the grip and sometimes, well, often times, the stop valve seal will leak slightly outting just enough pressure behind the pellet that, if secured in the holster barrel down, the pellet has just enough pressure behind it to allow it to fall right out the front of the barrel. So he carries like this when its fully charged to keep the pellet seated. As the shots go by, the pressure abtes enough he can holster it properly until he need to replace the co2 cartidge...them back to this debacle.
