POTD: Blast From The Past: Hell-Fire Trigger System

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

James shared this photo with me. He found this at a local gun store pawnshop that he frequents. They let him peruse their back stock room and he found a mint in packaging original Hell-Fire trigger system.

Do you remember these commercials?

Yes, that was Lenny Magill of The Glockstore wearing what looks like Oakley M-Frames.

I question the information in that video. I do not see how a bump fire system “over shadows” a three round burst system. Are there three round burst systems that attach to trigger guards? The only three round bursts that I know of are the ones in select fire systems.

Here is a copy of the approval letter that comes with the Hell-Fire.

I question the validity of this system. Sure the spring helps assist with the trigger reset but doesn’t that make the trigger pull even harder? From the Lenny Magill video, it looks like they are just bump firing the guns. Unlike a Slide-Fire they looks like the guys who hook their fingers on their belt loops to bump fire regular semi auto firearms. Remember the Akins Accelerator? That ha a spring in it as well and that was deemed illegal by the ATF.

Has anyone used an Akins Accelerator or this Hell-Fire trigger system?

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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2 of 73 comments
  • Chippathingy Chippathingy on Nov 06, 2017

    Oh gawd. I had one of those Hellfire contraptions. It ended
    up living in a box of unused AK cleaning kits, and those mini
    S&W screw drivers. I bought it sometime in about 90', and tried it out on
    my PWA AR15 A2 HB. Like one of the other posters said the directions were
    pretty vague. It was a PITA to install. I don't know how much it actually
    "assisted" bump firing. Hilarious!

  • Gregory Hines Gregory Hines on Nov 07, 2017

    I have one of these, purchased at the Shot Show in Vegas sometime back in the late '80s or early '90s. I never could get it to work with any regularity. It is intended to decrease the amount of force to engage the trigger, but either I did not have the finesse to do it, or it does not actually do it.

    As I recall, the Branch Davidians in Waco Texas had a bunch of these that they used during their occupation.
