Mid-Evil Industries 360 VFG And Drop Stop | Big 3 East

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

Mid-Evil Industries came out to Big 3 East. They showed off their flag ship product, the 360º rotating foregrip. aka 360RFG. It comes in three variations: Picatinny, MLOK, and Keymod.

The 360RFG is very simple to use. You just untwist the bottom half of the grip about a quarter turn and it loosens the friction on the ball joint. Now you can position the grip in any direction you want. It is a lot more ergonomic on your wrists and works great on pump action guns like the KSG. You can even position the grip horizontal as a makeshift barricade stop.

I actually tried it on the back of the Cricket Precision Rifle stock since it had a short piece of picatinny rail molded into the stock. The 360RFG works well as a mono pod and since it can adjust to nay position, it works great to make small adjustments when position the rifle.

Below you can see the picatinny version. It has four locking lugs but if you look at the spacing, it takes up 5 slots. I could not use it on the rail you see in the photo above. This rail is from a Troy Pump Action Rifle.

I wanted the 360RFG to go onto the Troy PAR ever since I got it at NRA Show. Yes I have been procrastinating it for that long. I finally took it to Keith’s and had him machine one of the outer lugs off. So now it fits.

Mid-Evil is working on an adapter to use the 360 RFG design on a shooting stick or tripod.

Mid-Evil Industries is based out of San Diego California and so they are working on some accessories for CA Compliant guns. Introducing the Drop Stop. It is like a kickstand for your upper receiver.

Due to new legislation on CA guns, people with bullet button equipped guns must register in order to stay legal. From my colorful commentary in the video, you can tell what my stance is on registering people.

So to avoid registration you must make the AR compliant. A “non-removable” magazine works. However the magazine can be removed if the upper receiver is opened up. So with a combination of Cross Armory’s quick take down pins and mag release plus the Drop Stop you can drop your empty magazine and reload quicker. Without the Drop Stop, the upper receiver will tilt until it hits the front of the magazine well. So the Drop Stop does as it name suggests. It stops the drop of the upper receiver but allows your mag release of choice to function.

The Drop Stop is not on their website just yet, but check them out if you are interested in it.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

More by Nicholas C

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3 of 15 comments
  • Michael Lubrecht Michael Lubrecht on Oct 19, 2017

    I suppose it functions just fine, but it looks a bit too much like a camera accessory for my taste.

    The video on the Drop Stop was just too painful to watch all the way through - all that buffoonery to try to maintain a vestige of how a real AR-15 operates. I weep for California gun owners.

    • Ninjatalksho Ninjatalksho on Oct 19, 2017

      @Michael Lubrecht Man, so many levers and links on that AR. Might as well just make the thing out of brass and old leather so at least you could LARP at Steampunk it at Comic Con when not shooting.
