POTD: Spike's Snowflake Surprise
Nicholas C
(IC: employee)
Published: October 17th, 2017
At Big 3 East, Spike’s Tactical showed up with a litany of firearms. This one in particular is relatively new. We posted up photos of the color filled lower before. And Adam posted about it first. Well here it is as a complete gun. However this Snowflake has a surprise. It identifies as a pistol but it is a machine gun. Yes it skips triggered and goes all the way to full libturd.
Nicholas C
More by Nicholas C
Published October 17th, 2017 3:00 PM
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Snowflakes BTFO!! ^_^
Problem with this world is too many people get butt hurt over little things like this Snowflake receiver. If people can't handle this they probably won't do well in life. People express speech in many ways and it is their right to do so. I understand that it will offend some people because I own this receiver, but those pussy hat wearing, stupid protesting, flag stomping, Trump hating, Antifa loving, America hating, Muslim loving, Hillary loving, 2nd Amendment hating, liberals offend me every single day, yet I keep my cool, I can handle it. I buy myself a little something that say's FU too, and do it while having a little fun at my expense and getting under their skin at the same time, no harm done. America was a great place to live, until we worried about hurting feelings, and people can't handle getting their feeling hurt anymore without flipping out and committing suicide and take a bunch of others with them. Just take a deep breath people, chill a little and just have some fun for a change. If you don't like something say it, let people know, then go to a voting booth nearest you and make a change the only way we should need to. Don't do all this stupid shit, and disrupt peoples everyday lives, threaten America's Constitution and our way of life, and kill just because you don't get your way. I didn't get my way for 8 years, I survived and you will too. America is not a Safe Space for Unicorn Riding Libturds.