Lobaev Arms Sets a New Long Range Shooting World Record (4,210 Meters)!

Hrachya H
by Hrachya H

According to Lobaev Arms, they have set a new world record of sniper rifle shooting. They managed to hit a 1×1 meter square target at a distance of 4,210 meters (4,604 yards). They used a Lobaev SVLK-14 Sumrak (Twilight) bolt action rifle shown in the top image.

Images by Lobaev Arms

The Lobaev Arms news release also says that making a shot at such a long range is an achievement of a team rather than the shooter alone. Everything from precise measurements and calculations of wind, atmospheric pressure, temperature and even Coriolis effect (the influence of the rotation of Earth on the projectile) to the correct spotting of the shots are important to make such an extreme long range hit. It takes 13 seconds for the bullet to reach the target at over 4-kilometer distance.

The Twilight rifle they used had a 935mm (about 36.8″) long barrel with 1:10″ twist rate. It was equipped with a March scope with 5-40 magnification. They also used a wildcat cartridge called .40 Lobaev Improved, which is based on .408 Chey Tac with Ackley style case body modification for increasing the case capacity. Earlier, Lobaev Arms released a video showing the fireforming process of the .40 Lobaev Improved cartridge.

At the end of the video, they test fire the wildcat cartridges and achieve a muzzle velocity of 990 m/s (3,248 fps) using a 27 gram (419 grain) projectile.

Hrachya H
Hrachya H

Managing Editor Being a lifelong firearms enthusiast, Hrachya always enjoys studying the history and design of guns and ammunition. Should you need to contact him, feel free to shoot him a message at Hrachya@TheFirearmBlog.com

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2 of 13 comments
  • MeaCulpa MeaCulpa on Oct 09, 2017

    IMO, if you don't hit with your second or third shot from the position/distance and do it more than one time it shouldn't count. Heck just build/buy a Heavy machine gun and fire a couple of hundred rounds in the general direction of the target and call it a new "record".

  • Stuki Moi Stuki Moi on Oct 09, 2017

    Should prove a popular hunting rifle in Arizona. Cover over 4000 acres without leaving the truck... :)
