Russian FSO, FSB, National Guard Adopt TSNII "Tochnost" Precision Rifle

by Miles

The Russian Federal Protective Service ( FSO, a rough equivalent of the U.S. Secret Service), Federal Security Service (FSB, a rough equivalent of the U.S. FBI) and the National Guard have adopted a rifle from the Russian company TsNIITochMash, which produces a bolt action precision rifle by the name of Tochnost/Точность, or Precision/accuracy. All three of these organizations operate mainly within Russia itself and are primarily and historically associated with security of the interior of the country. Unlike the U.S. National Guard, the National Guard of the Russian Federation is extremely new in its organization, only having been founded last year in April of 2016. Suffice to say, an adoption by all three of these organizations is a very substantial adoption given the size of all three organizations, despite the adoption being a precision rifle system.

Media reports state that the rifle was adopted in two calibers, 7.62x54Rmm and .338 Lapua. However, reports about 7.62x54Rmm are perhaps incorrect as the media might have reported it wrong. The design is reported to be similar to the commercial ORSIS T-5000

From our very own Hrachya-

[CEO] Semizorov said the delivery will start this year. He also said they have hard time meeting the ministry of defense requirements for army adoption. Ministry asks features that can’t be accomplished without the use of imported materials and machinery. Their military also requires having no imported parts or materials used on the rifle and even no imported machinery and equipment used to manufacture the gun.
There were a number of changes incorporated into the design to meet the military requirements. It was expected to be adopted in 2020 but mentioned organizations decided it is ok to adopt now.

TsNIITochMash, or as it’s full name in English is- Central Scientific Research Institute for Precision Machine Engineering, is an internal design bureau that has produced numerous defense related designs over the decades, perhaps the most interesting to TFB readers is the development of the AN-94.

Much Thanks to Fellow TFB Writer Hrachya H. for the translation of these articles!


Infantry Marine, based in the Midwest. Specifically interested in small arms history, development, and usage within the MENA region and Central Asia. To that end, I run Silah Report, a website dedicated to analyzing small arms history and news out of MENA and Central Asia.Please feel free to get in touch with me about something I can add to a post, an error I've made, or if you just want to talk guns. I can be reached at

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5 of 17 comments
  • Int19h Int19h on Oct 06, 2017

    It's all really amusing.

    Russians are desperately trying to catch up with US on precision sniper rifles.

    US is desperately trying to catch up with Russia on DMRs.

    • See 2 previous
    • Kaban Kaban on Oct 06, 2017

      @int19h I always felt this argument mostly applies to stuff you
      1) can actually produce quickly, and
      2) have reasonable expectation to be useful in major, civilian-eat-rotten-potatoes conflict.

      Being able to produce 100k AKs for those expendable teens is sensible, but obsessing over, say, domestic high-tech components for fighter jets that take years to build apiece is less so.

      And I seriously doubt Army will ever go for bolt-action en masse. Especially with T-5000s price tag and all those SVDs and relatively modern optics available. They already had their chance a few times, and were not interested.
