Weak Stock? Beef Your Rifle Up With The Magpul UBR Gen 2

Patrick R
by Patrick R

It isn’t a secret that the standard collapsible stock on an AR-15 can be a bit on the weak side thanks to the pin that holds the stock in place. If you have ever had to mortar your rifle to clear a malfunction and forgot to collapse the stock you know what can happen. The new Magpul UBR Gen 2 is stronger and lighter than the previous version and gives your rifle the ability to withstand just about any punishment you put the stock through.

Many thanks to Brownells for sponsoring our Modification Minute videos. The parts and tools we used are:

Magpul UBR Gen 2 Collapsible Stock – $189.95

Vltor Weapon Systems AR-15/M16 A5 Spring Kit – $56.95

Magpul AR-15/M16 Armorers Wrench – $75.95

Geissele Automatics AR-15/M4 Reaction Block – $99.00

Magpul BEV Block – $47.45

Brownells 1″ Nylon and Brass Hammer – $19.99

Starrett 1/4″ Pin Punch – $6.49

Patrick R
Patrick R

More by Patrick R

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  • Jeromebill7718 Jeromebill7718 on Aug 07, 2017

    I would like to see a "slam the AR platform rifle on the ground butt first" test between the UBR-g2 and that stock he showed failing. Looks like one sided science to me. I hear Patty is selling all his guns to fund his marksmanship. I bet he gets a lot of money from all that swag he gets from people wanting him to do "free" advertising.

  • Jtx Jtx on Aug 07, 2017

    Personally I've never needed to mortar charge any of my ar platform rifles nor will I do that to a buffer tube rifle. I've always been forearm strong enough to yank the charging handle back and clear the problem. I also keep my stock fully closed I never seen the need to make a rifle longer than needed, my nose isn't all up in the scope or charging handle though. If I were to be mortar charging one though I'd want a titanium buffer tube and one of those qcb stocks that pop on the end.
