Archive: July, 2017

Are We Gearing Up to Lose the Next War? Overmatch, Part 2: Bullets & Backbreakers

In the rush to augment the infantry’s firepower with new advanced small arms technologies, we may be on the precipice of crippling their ability to fight wars. The push to equip the infantryman with more powerful rifles and machine guns risks reducing his mobility [Read More…]

Patrick Got Fired!

We stopped in on our friends over at Brownells and Patrick decided he wanted a job. After all, there is nowhere cooler to work (except for The Firearm Blog) for a gun guy! Well, it turns out that Patrick isn’t a very good employee in the traditional sense. Check out why Patrick got fired! [Read More…]


US Army’s New Magazine A FAILURE? USMC Test of Enhanced Performance Magazine Shows It Performed Worse Than Predecessor, PMAG

The US Army’s newest magazine for the M16 and M4, the Enhanced Performance Magazine (EPM), failed a recent USMC test of rifle magazines, according to a recent Marine Corps SYSCOM document released by National Review. The report shows the EPM coming in last in the [Read More…]

Stevens 301 Power-Shok Copper