RUMOR – NEW Glock RTF2 With Curved Slide Serrations?

by Pete
Photo Credit: Cheaper Than Dirt

A sharp-eyed poster at GlockTalk picked up on the fact that Davidson’s Gallery of Guns has listed a possible new release from Glock. Now, before everyone gets too excited, this is not the 5th Generation or ‘M’ release and it’s not even confirmed. In fact, there’s a good chance that I dreamed this whole thing up last night after yesterday’s 17M/19M story. I’m kidding – dreaming is for the weak-minded. I’m talking about RTF2 and curved serrations.

Back to the show. Apparently the Smyrna, GA team has realized how popular the Rough Textured Finish #2 (RTF2) and the curved slide serrations were with collectors. In what looks to be an upcoming release, Davidson’s is listing several pistol versions with the RTF2 and scalloped cuts.

Now, I may be a fan boy, but I am not a stocking distributor expert. However, since there are a variety of options available, in both California compliant and not, I’m making an educated leap that these releases will be available in both Gen 3 and Gen 4 flavors.

Unfortunately, there are no product pictures to share at the moment. I requested confirmation from Glock and have yet to get a response. Understandable if they are dealing with a possible rushed product announcement …

If you asked me to make a wild guess at availability, I’d say we are looking at three to four weeks before they are listed for purchase.

Glock RTF2 – Wikipedia

In 2009, the Glock 22 RTF2 (Rough Textured Frame 2) (chambered in .40 S&W) was introduced. This pistol featured a new checkering texture around the grip and new scalloped (fish gill-shaped) serrations at the rear of the sides of the slide.[23][24] Many of the existing models became available in the RTF2 version, including the 31, 32, 23, 21, 19. Some of those did not have the fish gills.

Gallery of Guns – Facebook


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