BOOM – Signal Cannons from Trident Arms

by Frank.K

It seems that there must be a rampant problem facing the country. People are getting lost in the woods with nothing but a lot of black powder and no means to signal someone. Super-secret ESP must be disabling all flashlights and low cloud cover must be keeping signal fires from being seen. Otherwise, there seems to be no solid reason for the “signal cannon” from Trident Arms other than one can own a signal cannon.

On second thought, wanting a signal cannon is more than enough reason to own a signal cannon. I mean, who would not want their own muzzle-loading black-powder boom box? I mean, I have absolutely nothing better to do than stuff black powder into a tube to light it off for the express purpose of blowing out nearby windows.

In all seriousness, Tampa Florida-based Trident Arms is offering for pre-sale a muzzle-loading “signal cannon”. While few details are offered on their website, the cannon itself looks to be about a foot long and ready for bolting to any desk through its base mounting plate. If actually wanting to fire the cannon, that plate will be needed as recoil will likely be a bear.

For those curious to order one, check out Trident Arms’ website here. No pricing was offered, but for those so inclined the pricing will not be an obstacle.


TFB's FNG. Completely irreverent of all things marketing but a passionate lover of new ideas and old ones well executed. Enjoys musing on all things firearms, shooting 3-gun, and attempting to be both tacticool AND tactical.

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2 of 13 comments
  • Marcus D. Marcus D. on Jun 21, 2017

    Looks mighty expensive with all them fancy doodads that do not appear to have any immediate purpose. If you want to make noise with black powder without all the expense (and without violating any local ordinances with respect to discharge of firearms), get a thunder mug. All it is is a single piece of metal--no moving parts--that sits on the ground (or the rail of your sailing vessel as in days of olde) with a hole drilled into the side of the base for a fuse.

  • Greg Frazee Greg Frazee on Jun 21, 2017

    I made this cannon with a golf ball size bore (1.73"), it was designed to fire tinfoil confetti during Tampa Bay's Gasparilla pirate festival. The mount was made for the customers boat and seconds as a down rigger when the cannon is not mounted.
