The End of 22LR Rationing – Wal-Mart Removes Purchasing Limits
After almost half a decade, the long-standing drought of 22 Lone Rifle ammunition is finally behind us. Confirming this triumph is good old Wal Mart who announced internally that any and all restrictions on purchasing 22 ammo in bulk have been removed. Up until about a year ago, 22LR was reasonably difficult to find in both bulk and inexpensively.
Shared across Facebook and other social media, the new policy was announced to managers, loss prevention, and sales clerks. The new policy is a welcome change, especially for this in more rural areas where Wal-Mart was the major, if not only, purveyors of ammunition. By the announcement, the policy applies to any and all types of 22LR ammunition including bulk packs, match loads, and specialized rounds.
The change is one of many signals that the industry is catching up with demand. Various ammunition manufacturers have announced layoffs and furloughs as demand for ammo has decreased rapidly while manufacturing capacity has continued to increase. Fortunately for us consumers, this combination will mean ammo will likely be both plentiful and cheap for the foreseeable future.
A second effect will be the resurgence in interest in rimfire weapons, who’s primary draw was inexpensive shooting. Smith & Wesson, Ruger, and others have been quickly pushing new 22 LR models and innovations including the latest Ruger Integrally Suppressed 10/22 Takedown model.
TFB's FNG. Completely irreverent of all things marketing but a passionate lover of new ideas and old ones well executed. Enjoys musing on all things firearms, shooting 3-gun, and attempting to be both tacticool AND tactical.
More by Frank.K
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it's long rifle - not lone rifle ammunition
Otherwise, good news!
there was no shortage,the whole ammo shortage was government sponsored,they were the hoarders,it started right after the Connecticut shooting. did you notice that a month after obama leaves office and trump takes over ammo is back on the shelves,like magic,RIGHT!!!