A Better & Cheaper IWB Clip? The Warfytr Equipment Fabriclip

    Perhaps the bane of carrying IWB is the mounting of the holster to the pant/belts. Often, its a hard choice to go with the inconvenience of loops while getting dressed or the option of drop-on clips that can have (a perhaps undeserved) reputation for failing to retain the holster during a draw stroke. While I have never had a clip malfunction on me, I am cognizant of the forum stories of those who have had them fail.

    I know… first world carry problems.

    So, coming across the Warfytr Equipment Fabriclip is appealing to me. At first glance, the Fabriclip is a thin, low-profile, flexible, and highly secure clip system. Even better, it does not require the usage of a belt to be secure to the person (hooray for IWB while wearing gym shorts doing yard work).


    To stay secure, the clip uses two pieces of moldable plastic with opposing tabs that pulls the fabric of your garment into the bottom U. By doing this, it does not require a rigid belt that almost all other clips require.

    The Fabriclip is usable and customizable to almost all holster systems on the market with a drill bit and a bit of time. Warfytr shows examples of the clip being used with all other sorts of EDC gear including spare magazines, flashlights, etc.

    For those incredulous or interested, trying the Fabriclip is light on the wallet. Retail pricing is a scant $8. 

    Nathan S

    One of TFB’s resident Jarheads, Nathan now works within the firearms industry. A consecutive Marine rifle and pistol expert, he enjoys local 3-gun, NFA, gunsmithing, MSR’s, & high-speed gear. Nathan has traveled to over 30 countries working with US DoD & foreign MoDs.

    The above post is my opinion and does not reflect the views of any company or organization.
